Completed Modernization  by Stevie Thurston
Transcription by Stevie Thuston
The First Flourish
A Quarter fair before you, delivered with one hand. Voiding back the right foot with another Quarter with both hands. A Downright stroke voiding back the left foot, standing still play 3 Rakes lightly cutting to the elbows, with a Quarter fair before you with both hands. And 2 Quarters after with 2 turns, a Downright-stroke voiding back the left foot. Standing still play the said 3 Rakes with a Quarter fair before you and 2 Quarters after with 2 turns. A Downright-stroke setting forth the right foot as forward as your left with a broken thrust upon the left side, another on the right side turning the sword under the right arm. Bring it with the same side with a broken thrust upon the left side, another upon the right side, turning your sword set the point soft before you upon the ground.
[1r] The ſirte fflorysh
A quartr fayre be fore you deliueryde wt an hande voydyng bake the ryght fote. Wyth an other quartr wt bothe hands. A Downe ryght ſtroke voydyng bake the lyfte fote standyng ſtyll play iij Rakys lythly Clevyng by thelbowes wt a quartr fayre be fore yow wyth both handys And ij qurters after wt ij turnes A downe ryght ſtroke voydyng bake the lyfte fote Styll ſtanding play ye fayde iij Rakes wt a quartr farye be fore yow And ij quarters after wt ij turnes. A downe ryght ſtroke ſettyng forth ye ryght fote as fore as ye lyffte wt a brokon foyne uppon the lyffte ſyde an other on ye ryght ſyde turnyng ye ſwerde undr ye ryght arme bryng hyt wt ye ſame ſyde wyth a brokyn foyne uppon ye leffte ſyde an other uppon the ryght ſyde turnyng yor ſwerde ſete the poynt ſoffte be fore yow uppon the grownde.
The Second Flourish
A Quarter fair before you with one hand standing still. Set in the right leg with a Dragon's Tayle, then set the left hand upon the sword, smiting a Quarter fair before you. With one hand, turning your body, set in your right leg as forward as your left, bringing the point of the sword over your head, set it down softly before you upon the ground. Then, standing still, play your Rakes upon any side, as often as you will, resting upon your right arm then smite a Downright-stroke voiding back the left leg, bringing after the right leg with a Rake. Lift up the sword, over your head, bringing forward the right leg as forward as the left, play a Broken thrust upon any side. Turning the sword over the right arm, setting the point softly before you on the ground.
The ſeconde floryfh
A quartr fayre be fore you wt an hande Standyng styll sete in ye ryght loge wt a dragonys tayle then ſett the lyffte hande uppon ye ſwerde ſmytyng a quartr fayre be fore you wt an hande trnyng yor body ſete in youre ryght legge as fore as yor leffte bryngyng the poynte off the ſwerde ouer yor hede ſete hyt downe ſofftly before you uppon ye grwnde then Stonde styll pley youre Rakes uppon any ſyde as offte as ye wyll reſtyng uppon youre ryght arme then ſmyte A downe ryght stroke voydyng ye leffte legge bryngyng afft the ryght legge wt a rake lyffte uppe ye ſwerde ouer yor hede bryng forth ye ryght legge as fore as ye lyfte pley a brokyn foyne uppon any ſyde turnyng the ſwerde ouer the ryght arme ſettyng the poynte ſofftly be fore you on the grownde.
The Laying Down of the Sword
A Proffer to his face, following in with the right leg with a rake. Standing still smite a Quarter fair before you with another after voiding back the right leg. Then smite a Down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, with a Rake following in with the right leg. Lifting up your hands on your right shoulder, turning again set in your right leg before your left, softly lay down your sword
The layng downe off ye ſwerde
A pfur to hys face folowyng in wt the ryght legge wt a rake standyng styll ſmyte a quartr fayre before you wt an other after voydyng bake the ryght legge then ſmyte a downe ryght stroke voydyng bake the lyffte legge wt a rake folowyng in wt the ryght legge lyftyng up yor handys on yor ryght ſhulder turnyng A gayne ſete in youre ryght legge be fore youre lyffte ſofftley lay downe youre ſwerde.
The First Chase
A Full-stroke, a Fore-thrust, with a Quarter lightly delivered, and if it be twice played it will bring you to your ground.
The Firste Chace
A ſſull stroke a for foyne wt a quartr lythly delyvyde and yft hyt be tweys playde hyt wyll bryng you a gayn to yor grounde.
The Second Chase
A Double Round, with a Back-thrust, and a Quarter lightly delivered. And it be twice played it will bring you again to your ground.
The Seconde Chace
A dowble rownde wyth a bake foyne and a quartr lyghtly delyvyde And hyt be tweys playde hyt wyll bryng you a gayne to yor ground.
The Third Chase
A Double Round forward, an other backward. A Down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, a Back-thrust voiding back the right leg, following in with the left leg smite a Quarter backward. And if it be twice played it bring you to your ground.
The thyrde Chace
A dowble rownde forwarde an other bakwarde A downe ryght stroke voydyng bake ye lyffte legge a bake foyne voydyng bake the ryght legge folowyng In wyth the lyffte legge ſmyte a quartr bakewarde And yff hyt be tweys plade gyt wyll bryng you to yor grounde
The Fourth Chase; called “The Bow-Thrust”
A Double Round forward an other backward. A Downright stroke voiding back the left leg, a Back-thrust, with a Bow-thrust voiding back with the right leg, lithely smite a Quarter.
The fourthe Chace callyd ye bowne foyne
A dowble rownde forwarde an other bakewarde a downe ryght ſtroke voydyng bake the lyffte legge A bake foyne wt a bowfoyne voydyng bake wt the ryght legge lythtly ſmyte a quarter.
The Fifth Chase; called “At the Rounds”
Two Double Rounds forward and this follows contrary all to your man. And if you play it again it will bring you to your ground.
The fyffte Chace callyd att ye rwondys
To doble rowndys forwarde and ther folowes Contrarye all to yon man and yff you play hyt a gayne hyt wyll bryng you to yor grounde
The Sixth Chase; called “The Tumbling Chase”
Two Double Rounds forward, with as many backward; all upon the left foot lithely delivered. Then tumble forward as round as a ball: that is to say; with a Down-right stroke set forward the right foot, bringing the sword over your head void back the left foot, with another Down-right stroke followed with the right leg. Then bring back the same foot with a back-thrust, set in the left foot and smite back a quarter.
The sixte Chace callyd ye tublyng chace
To doble rownds forewarde wt as many bakewarde all uppon the lyffte fote lythtly delyveryde/ then tumble forewarde rounde as a ball that ys to ſay wythe a Down ryght stroke ſete forewarde the ryghte fote bryngyng the ſword ov youre hede voyde bake the lyffte fote wt an other downe ryght stroke folowyde wt the ryght fote then bryng bake the fame fote wt a bake foyne Sete In the lyffte fote and ſmyte back a qurter.
The Seventh Chase
A Full-stroke, a For-thrust, followed with a Quarter. Playing a Broken-thrust upon the right side, another on the left side, thrust forth a For-thrust followed with 2 Quarters with the said Broken-thrusts played on every side, thrust forth a For-thrust at his face, voiding back with 2 Quarters.
The sevyneth Chace
A full stroke a for foyne folowed wt a quartr pleyng a brokyn foyne uppon the ryght ſyde an other on the lyffte ſyde thruſte forth a for foyne folowyde wt ij quarters wt the ſayde broken foynes playde on every ſyde thruſte forthe a for foyne at hys face voydyng bake wythe ij quarters
The Eighth Chase; called “The Spring”
A Full-stroke, a For-thrust, setting forth the left foot with the left hand smite a Spring, voiding back the same foot with a Full-stroke then play a Back-thrust with another Spring. Voiding back the left foot with a Full-stroke then void back the right foot and play a Double-thrust with a Spring, voiding back the left foot with a Full-Stroke, playing another Double-thrust with a Spring, voiding back the left foot with a Full-Stroke and a Back-thrust.
The Eghte Chace callyde ye Fpryng
A full stroke a for foyne ſettyng forthe ye lyffte fote wt the lyffte hande ſmyte a ſpryng voydyng bake ye ſame fote wt a full ſtroke then pley a bake foyne wt an other ſpryng voydyng bake the lyffte fote wt a ffull ſtroke then voyde bake the ryght fote and play a doble foyne wt a ſpryng voydyng back ye left fote wythe a ffull Stroke pleyng an other Doble foyne wt a ſpryng voydyng bake ye lyffte fote wyth a full stroke and a bake foyne.
The 9th Chase: called “The Four Points”
A Down-right stroke voiding back the left leg, suddenly play a Rake followed with the right leg. Standing still play a Quarter fair before you, then set in the left leg and smite back a Quarter.
The ixth Chace callyd ye four poyntf
A Downe ryght stroke voydyng bake ye lyffte legge sodenly pley a rake folowede wyth ye ryght legge stondyng styll pley a quartr fayre be fore you then ſete In the lyffte legge and ſmyte bake a quartr.
The 10th Chase: called “The Five Points”
A Down-right stroke voiding back the left foot, suddenly play a Rake followed with the right foot. The void back the left leg with another Down-right stroke and play a Back-thrust voiding back the right leg, step in with the left leg and smite back a Quarter.
The xth chace callyd the V poyntſ
A Downe ryght stroke voydyng bake the lyffte fote ſodenly pley a rake folowyd wyth ye ryght fote then voyde bake the lyffte legge wythe an other Downe ryght stroke and pley a bake foyne voydyng bake the ryght legge Steppe In wt ye lyffte legge and ſmyte bake a quarter.
The 11th Chase: called “The 3 points”
A Rake upon the right side, standing still smite a Quarter, voiding back the right leg strike another [Quarter] after.
The xith Chace callyd iij poyntſ
A Rake uppon ye ryght fyde ſtandyng styll ſmyte a quartr voydyng bake the ryghte legge ſtryke an other after.
The 12th Chase: called “3 points [same?]”
A Down-right stroke voiding back with the left leg, lightly play a Rake followed with the right leg, then void back the same leg suddenly play a Quarter.
The xijth chace callyd iii poyntſ ???? (??me)
A Downe ryght ſtroke voydyng bake wt the lyffte legge lythtly play a Rake folowede wyth the ryght legge then foyde bake the fame legge ſodenly play a quarter
The 13th: Called “The getting Chase”
A Quarter fair before you, with both hands. Standing still play a Proffer at his face, following with your Rakes backward. Smite a Spring turning with a Full-stroke, following with your Rakes before you smite a Quarter, turning your body play 2 Quarters all upon the left foot.
The xiijth Callyde ye gettyng chace
A quartr fayre be fore you wt bothe handys ſtandyng ſtyll pley a pofer at hys face folowyng wt yor Rakys bakewarde ſmyte a ſpring turnyng wt a full ſtroke folowyng wt yor Rakes be fore you ſmyte a quarter turnyng youre body pley ij quarters all uppon ye lyffte fote
The First Point of the Counter
A Proffer at his face standing still, then set in the right leg with a Rake and a Quarter. Voiding back the same leg with another Quarter then void back your left leg and stand at your stop.
The fyrſte poynt of ye cownter
A profur at hys face ſtandyng ſtyll then ſett In ye ryght legge wt a rake and a quartr voydyng bake ye ſame legge wt an other quartr then voyde bake yor lyffte legge and ſtande at youre ſtoppe
The Second Counter called: “The Full-Spring”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter, another void. Lightly smite a Full-Spring, setting in the right leg with a Quarter and another void, be at your stop.
The ſeconde Countyr callyd y full ſpring
A profor a rake wt a quartr an other voyde lythtly ſmyte a full ſpring ſettyng In ye ryght legge wt a quartr and an other voyde be at yor ſtoppe.
The Third Counter called: “The Short-Spring, with a Falling-stroke”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter, another void standing still. A Short-Spring with a Falling-stroke, then set in the right leg with a Quarter, another void, and be at your stop.
The thyrde Counter callyd ye ſhort ſpring wt a falling ſtroke
A profor a rake wt a quartr an other voyde ſtanding ſtyll a ſhorte ſpryng wt a fallyng ſtroke then ſet In the Ryght legge wt a quartr an other voyde and be at you Stoppe
The 22nd Called: “The Large Proffer with a Rabett ?? the for Quarter”
A Proffer large, standing still lightly play a Rabett at his leg, low by the ground. Then lightly set in the right leg with a Quarter, and smite him to the ground, then void back the same leg and be at your stop.
The xxiith callyd the large profor wt a rabet ?? ye fore qurtr
A profer large standyng ſtyll lyghtly pley a rabett at hys legge lowe by ye grownde then lyghtly ſet in ye ryght legge wt a quartr and ſmyte hym to ye grownde then voyde bake the ſame legge and be at yor ſtoppe
The 23rd Called: “The facing, with the Spring”
Also standing at your defence, when your Enemy begins to come in with a Proffer, look steadfastly in his face and suddenly set in your left leg, across before your right leg, lightly smiting a full Spring at his leg, and then void a back your left leg and be at your stop. Otherwise set in the right with a full Quarter, and another void, and be at your stop.
The xxiiith callyd ye facyng wyth ye ſpryng
Also ſtondyng at yor Defence when yor Enemy be gynyth to Cum In wt A profor loke ſtedfaſtly In hys face and spuely ſett in your leffte legge Cros be fore your ryght legge lyghtly ſmytyng a full ſpryng at hys legge And then voyde a bake yor leffte lege and be att your ſtoppe. Other els ſett in the ryght wt a full quartr and an other voyde and be att youre Stopee.
The Stopping Rabett
Also, standing at your defence, if you bepayste (deceive) your Enemy: when he begins to play a Proffer, lightly set in your left leg with a Rabett, voiding back the same leg be at your stop. Otherwise, when your Enemy plays a Proffer and begins to pluck back his sword to set a Quarter lightly set in your left leg with the said Rabett, then void back the same leg and be at your stop.
[1v] The ſtoppyng Rabett
alfo ſtandyng att yor defence yff you bepayste youre Enmy when he begynyth to play A profur lyghtly ſett in yor lyffte legge wt a Rabett voydyng Bake voydyng bake the fame legge be at your ſtopp. Other els when yor Emny playethe A pfur wt a Rake and be gynyth to pluke bake hys ſwerde to ſete a quartr lyghtly ſette in your lyffte legge wyth ye ſayde Rabett then voyde bake the ſame legge and be att youre ſtoppe.
The Dragon's Tail with the Pendant
A Proffer, with a Rake, standing still with your right hand play a void quarter above his head, and as the sword waves about, over your head, set in your left foot. Then lightly, with the right hand and foot, thrust forth a thrust at his face, and thrust a Bow-thrust at his belly. Then smite a full Quarter, and another void, and be at your stop.
The dragonys tayle wt the pendante
A profor wt a Rake ſtondyng ſtyll wt your ryght honde ploy a voyde quartr a boue hys hede and as the ſwerde wavyth a bowte. Our your hede ſett in youre lyffte fote then lyghtly, wyth the Ryght honde and foote throſte forth A foyne at hys face and throſte a bowe foyne att hys bely then ſmyte a full quatr And an other voyde And be att youre Stoppe.
The 4th called: The Rabett with a Down-right Stroke
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter. Set in your left leg with a Rabett, then set in your right leg with a Down-right stroke with both hands, with a thrust and a Quarter with another void, be at your stop.
The iiijth callyd the Rabett wt a Downe ryght Stroke
A pfur A rake wt a quartr ſett In your lyffte legge wt a rabett then ſett In youre ryght legge wt a downeryght Stroke wt bothe handſ wyth a foyne and a quartr wt an other voyde be att yor ſtoppe
The 5th called: “The 3 Quarters”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter full. Standing still play another void above his head, with another at his leg. Then void back the right leg with another Quarter and be at your stop.
The Vth callyd the iij quarters
A pfur a rake wyth a quarter full ſtanding ſtylle pley an other voyde a bove hys hede wt an other at hys legge then voyde bake the ryght legge wt an other quarter and be att youre ſtoppe.
The 6th Point called: “The Cross Rake”
A Proffer, a Cross-Rake, with a thrust at his face with a Quarter full and another, a void, be at your stop.
The Vjth Poynte callyde the cros Rake
A pfur a cros rake wt a foyne at hys face wt a quarter full and an other A voyde be at youre ſtoppe
The 7th Point called: “The Down-right Stroke”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter, another, a void. A Down-right stroke followed with the right leg, then standing still lithely play a For-thrust, with a Quarter, and another void, be at your stop.
The Vijth poynte callyd ye Downeryght ſtroke
A pfur A rake wyth a quarter an other a voyde a Downeryght Stroke folowyde wyth the ryght legge then ſtandyng ſtyll lythly play a fore foyne wt a quarter and an other voyde be att youre stope
The 8th called: “The Rabett with a Down-right Stroke”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter, another, a void. A Down-right stroke followed with the right leg, with a For-thrust. Setting in the left leg lithely play a Rabett, then set in the right leg with a Down-right stroke, a thrust, with a Quarter, another, a void, be at you stop.
The viijth callyde the rabett wt a Downe ryght Stroke
A pfur a rake wt a quarter A nother A voyde a Downe ryght stroke folowyde wt the ryght legge wt a fore foyne ſettyng In the lyffte legge lyththly pley a rabett then ſett In ye ryght legge wt a Downryght Stroke a foyne wt a quarter an other a voyde be att yor ſtoppe.
The 9th called: “The Double Round with 2 Thrusts”
A Double Round forward, with a thrust at his face, another at his belly. Standing still play a Quarter full, with another void, be at your stop.
The ixth callyde ye Doble rounde wt ij Foynes
A double rounde forwarde wt a foyne at hys face An other att hys bely Standyng ſtyll pley a quarter full wt an other voyde be att yor ſtope.
The 10th called: “The Snatch”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter full. Voiding back the right leg with the left hand smite a Snatch, then void back your left leg and be at your stop.
The xth callyde the Snatche
A profur a rake wyth a quarter full voydyng bake the ryght legge wt ye lyffte honde ſmyte A ſnatche then voyde bake yor lyffte legge And be att youre Stoppe.
The 11th called: “The Short Spring with 2 Thrusts Following”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a quarter full, another void. Lightly play a Short Spring, voiding back the left leg set hands upon the sword, setting up a thrust by the left shoulder. Bring it forth before you, set in your left leg with a such another thrust at his face. Followed with the right leg lightly play a Quarter full, with another void, and be at your stop.
The xith callyde ye ſhorte ſpryng wt ij foynes folowyng
A profur a rake wt a quarter full an other voyde lythtly playng a ſhorte ſpring voydyng bake the lyffte legge ſett hands uppon the ſwerde ſettyng up a foyne by ye lyffte ſhoulder bryng hytt forthe by fore you ſett In yor lyffte legge wythe ſuche a nother foyne at hys face folowyde wt the ryght legge lythtly pley a qurtr full wt an other voyde and be att your Stoppe.
The 12th Point called: “The Fool”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter full, and another, a void. Standing still lightly, with the left hand, to his head cast a Fool. Then set in your right leg and smite a Quarter full, with another void be at your stop.
The xijth poynte callyde ye fooll
A profur a rake wyth a quarter full and a nother A voyde ſtandyng ſtyll lyghtly wt the lyffte honde to hys hede caste a foolle then ſett In yor ryght legge and ſmyte a quartr full wt a nother voyde be att youre ſtoppe
The 13th Point Called: “The Down-right Stroke Standing Still”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a full Quarter, another, a void above his head standing still. Move your body, bringing your sword over your right shoulder lightly smite a Down-right stroke at his head, with a thrust, and a Quarter full, with another void, be at you stop.
The xiijth poynte callyde ye Downe ryght ſtroke ſtandyng ſtyll
A profur a rake wt a full quarter a nother a voyde A bove hys hede ſtondyng ſtyll move yor body bryngyng youre ſworde over youre ryght ſhoulder lyghtly ſmyte a downe ryght ſtroke att hys hede wythe a foyne and a full quarter wt a nother voyde be att yor ſtoppe.
The 14th Point[2]
A Proffer, a Rake, with a full Quarter, another, a void, then softly set in your right leg, be at your stop. That done, set in your left leg with a Rabett fair above his head. Lightly set in your right leg with a Down-right stroke at his head, with a thrust and a full Quarter, with another, a void. Be at your stop.
The xiiijth poynte callyde ye brokyn ſpryng wt ye foyne
A pfur a rake wt a full quartr an other a voyde then ſofftely ſett In yor ryght legge be att yor ſtoppe. That don ſet In yor lyffte legge wt a rabett fayre a bove hys hede. Lyghtly ſett In youre ryght legge wt a Downe ryght ſtroke at hys hede wt a foyne and a full quartr wt an other a voyde. Be att yor ſtoppe.
The 15th Called [“The Broken Spring with the thrust”][3]
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter, another, a void. Standing still hold your sword with both hands and bend your body as you would smite a Full Spring. Then loose your right hand, with the left hand thrust forth a thrust at his side, setting in the right leg, lightly, with a full Quarter, another, a void. Be at your stop.
The xvth callyde ye turnyng quarter.
A profur a rake wt a quarter an other A voyde ſtondyng ſtyll hold youre ſwerde wt bothe hands and bende ye body as you wylde ſmyte a full ſpryng. then looſe youre ryght hande. wt the lyffte honde therſte forthe ye foyne att hys ſyde ſettyng In ye ryght legge lyghtly wt a full quarter an other a voyde be att your stoppe.
The 16th and the Defence it Named Shall Close You
A Proffer, a Rake, with a Quarter full, with another Quarter largely a void. Then lightly turn your body with a full Quarter, an other void, be at your stop.[4]
A Proffer, a Rake, with a full Quarter, then loose your left hand from your sword. Voiding back your right leg bring it back with your right hand fair before your breast, ready to thrust, and run in with a Rake, and a full Quarter, playing the same play twice. Then bring back again your sword, with the said right hand and leg and smite a Full-Spring, lightly with a full Quarter, and another, a void, and be at you stop.
The xvith and ye defence yt named ſhall cloſe you
A profur a rake wt a quarter full wt an other quartr largely A voyde then lyghtly turne youre body wt a full quarter an voyde be att youre ſtoppe.
A profur a rake wt a full qurtr then looſe yor lyfftte hande fro youre ſwerde. voydyng bake youre ryght legge bryng hyt bake wt yor ryght hande fayre be fore yore breſte. redy to foyne and com In wt a rake and a full quarter playng the ſame play twyse then bryng bake a gayne youre ſwerde wt ye ſayde ryght hande and legge And ſmyte a full ſpryng lyghtly wt a full quarter And an other A voyde and be att youre ſtoppe.
The 17th Called: “The Double Spring”
A Proffer, a Rake, a Full Quarter, with another, a void. Lightly caste out a Full Short Spring at his face. Standing still when the sword comes about your head, ?????? it with your right hand at your right shoulder, then lightly smite a Full-Spring with a full Quarter, another, a void. Be at your stop.
The xvijth callyd ye Duble ſpryng
A profur a rake a full qurter wt an other a voyde lyghtly caſte owte a full ſhorte ſpryng att hys face ſtandyng ſtyll when ye ſwerde comyth a bowte off yor hede ?????? hytt wt yor ryght hand att yor ryght shuldyr. then lygthly ſmyte a full ſpryng wt a full quarter. an other a voyde be att youre ſtoppe
The 18th Called: “The Double Rabetts”
A Proffer, a Rake, with a full Quarter, lightly set in the left leg with a Rabett. Standing still lightly play another Rabett with a Full-Spring at his leg. Other wise, set in the right leg with a Down-right stroke at his head and a full Quarter, another, a void, and be at your stop.
The xviijth callyde ye Duble rabettſ.
A profur a rake wt a full quartr lyghtly ſett in the lyffte legge wt a rabett Stondyng ſtyll lyghtly pley an other rabett wyth a full ſpryng att hys legge other els ſett in ye ryght legge wt a Down ryght ſtroke att hys hede and a full quartr an other A voyde and be att youre Stoppe
The 19th called The Cross Rakes with a Quarter
A proffer followed with as many rakes as you will, then suddenly smite a full spring to his elbow, with another quarter voiding and be at your stop.
The xixth callyde ye cros Rakſ wt a qurtr
A profur folowede wt as many cros Rakſ as ye wyll then ſodonly to hys elbowe ſmyte a full quarter wt an other voyde and be att yor stoppe
The 20th called The Broken Quarter with a Thrust
A proffer, a rake lifting up your arms as if you were to smite a quarter, then suddenly thrust at his chest with your left hand, followed with the left foot. Then set in your right leg with a full quarter and another voiding, and be at your stop.
The xxth callyde ye brokyn qrtr wt a foyne
A profur a Rake lyfftyng up yor ſwerde as ye wo???? ſodonly wt yor lyfft honde thruſte for the a foyne to hys ????? folloyde wt ye ???????????? then ſett in ye ryght legge wt a quarter an other after and be at youre Stoppe
The 21st called The Broken Thrust with a Spring
A proffer, a rake with a full quarter, then set in your left leg and with the left hand bring the sword over the top of your head. Void back and start to play a rabett, breaking the rabett to strike a full spring at his leg with a full quarter, and another quarter and a quarter void, and be at your stop.
The xxith callyde ye ba?? ??????????? ye fpryng
A profur a rake wt ye full quarter ???? ??? fett in yor lyffte legge wt ye lyffte honde bryng ?? ?????????? ye ???????? of youre hede as ye wyll ????????? rabett then standyng styll brek ye ????? rabett ?????? ?????????? ???????? fmyte a full fryng at hys legge wt a full ?????????? ??????? and be att yor stoppe
The end.