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=== [[Dagger]] ===
! width=700 colspan=2 | <br>
! width=350 | Images
! width=350 | English Translation
! width=350 | [[Eyb Kriegsbuch (MS B.26)|Erlangen Version]] (1510s)
by [[Barbara Kappelmayr]] and [[Andreas Meier]]
! width=350 | [[Vienna Kriegsbuch (Cod.5278)|Vienna Version]] (1420s) (?)
by [[Michael Chidester]]
| [[File:MS B26 25v-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[25-a]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 25v-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[25-b]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 25v-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[25-c]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 25v-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
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| [[File:MS B26 25v-e.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[25-e]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 25v-f.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[25-f]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 26r-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Item, if you want to stab someone with the dagger so that he must fall down, then take your dagger in hand as if you wanted to strike him in the head with it; so look at him, then strike the thrust, and go down between you and him, and strike and stab him with your dagger, behind his leading left leg in the bend of the knee, and pull his leg upward with your dagger; and as you pull break him backward by his chest above with your left hand, onto his back. These must go together very quickly, the blow-thrust and lifting up the leg, and the breaking onto the back; and if you miss with the thrust so that you don’t hurt the flesh, then pull his leg up with the dagger blade; that is stronger and surer than if you reach the flesh. 
| '''[26r-a]''' [I]Tem wiltw ainem mit deine[m] degen stechen das er falen muss so nym dein degen In dein handt sam dw aim dein degen in sein hawbt schlahen welst / So lug Im dan den schlag stich / vnd far zwischen dir vnd Im nider vnd schlag vnd stich Im dein degen hinden in sein furgesetzts lincks pain In die kniepug vnd zuck Im das pain mit deim degen vbersich auf / vnd In dem zucken brich In oben bey seiner brust mit deiner lincken handt hintersich an sein ruck / das muss gar reschlich miteinander zugeen der schlag stich vnd das pain aufheben / vnd das prech[e]n auf denn Ruck vnd ob dw des stichs felst das dw nit flaischt das schat nit / so zuck Im das pain mit der degen klingen auf das ist stercker vnd gewisser den ob dw flaischt
| '''[189r-f]''' [No text] (Similar)
| [[File:MS B26 26r-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| A very good and proper wrestling from the dagger. Allow yourself a dagger with the handle as long as the blade. When you have it in the hand, so that it goes in front of you on both sides upon a thwart hand and two fingers - when you have thus caught hold of it, then act as if you wanted to strike at him above, then if he grabs after your dagger, then look the thrust at him, and go under him through his leg, and lift him up, and throw your left hand onto his chest by the neck, and bring him down above, and lift him up below with the dagger, and throw him into the ground.
| '''[26r-b]''' [E]in recht gar gut Ringen aus dem degen las dir ein degen mach[e]n das das hefft als langk sey als die klingen wen dw dan In der handt habst das er dir auf baid seiten fur gee auf ein zwerche handt vnd zwen vinger wen dw In den also gefast hast / So thue sam thu In oben an wolst stechen / So greifft er dir nach dem degen / so lug Im den stich / vnd far Im vnten durch sein pain / vnd heb In auf / vnd mit der lincken handt fall Im an die prust bey dem halss vnd pring in oben nider vnd heb in vnt[e]n auf mit dem degen / vnd wurff In wider die erd
| '''[188r-e]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 26v-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| When you go to someone with the dagger in armour, then look at his feet; whichever foot he has set forward, hit him there with your foot in front, with the toes behind at his heel, and as you strike push him away from you above, so he falls on his back.     
| '''[26v-a]''' [W]en dw zw ainem gest mit dem degen In harnisch so sich Im auf die fuss welhen fuss er dir hat fur gesetzt da schlah In an mit deim fuss vorn mit der zehen hindten an sein verssen vnd In dem schlag stoss In oben von dir so velt er an den Ruck
| '''[188r-f]''' [No text] (Similar)
| [[File:MS B26 26v-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another arm break: if someone wants to stab at you from [above] or below, then catch his right arm near [?] the hand and dagger with your right hand, and pull him strongly forward to your right side, and [?] him your left shoulder under his right arm, and grab on with your left hand also, and break his arm over your shoulder.
| '''[26v-b]''' [A]ber ein arm prech[e]n will dich ainer anstechen von [oben] oder vndten so fach Im sein rechten arm nahe[?] bey der handt vnd degen mit deiner rechten handt vnd zuck In starck fur sich auf dein rechte seiten vnd [?] Im dein lincke achssel vnder sein rechten arm vnd greiff mit deiner lincken handt auch zw vnd [prich] Im den arm ab vber dein achssel
| [[File:MS B26 26v-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another arm break from the dagger: if someone wants to stab up at you from below with a forward thrust, then stab his arm by the hand with your right hand, and the blades in your left hand, and as you catch him lift hard, and throw yourself around, and turn yourself through under his arm, so you break his arm.
| '''[26v-c]''' [A]ber ein arm Prechen aus dem degen will dich ainer an stechen von vnten auff mit eim vor stich so stich Im sein arm bey der handt mit deiner Rechen handt / vnd die klingen In dein lincke handt vnd In dem vahen heb vast vnd wurff dich vmb vnd windt dich vnten durch sein arm / so prichstw Im den arm ab
| '''[186r-d]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 26v-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| A good dagger disarm: if someone wants to strike [you] from above with a dagger, then lay your left arm onto your right like a cross, and catch the thrust in your arms between the hands, and as you catch it grab his hand and dagger handle together with your upper left hand, and grab his arm with your lower right hand, and as you grab him turn his hand and arm toward him, and as you turn them move your upper arm to his arm. Thus you may well [break] his arm with the elbow by his elbow.
| '''[26v-d]''' [E]in gut degen nemen will ainer ein degen In [dich] schlahen von oben ein so leg dein lincken arm auf dein rechten sam ein kreutz / vnd fah den stich zwischen die hendt In deine arm vnd in dem vahen [?] ergreiff Im die handt vnd das degenhefft zusamen mit deiner obern lincken handt vnd der vntern Rechten handt ergreiff Im den arm / vnd In dem greiffen windt Im die handt vnd den arm gen [I]m vnd in dem winden so get dir dein ober arm [auf] sein arm / So magstw Im sein arm woll [abrencken] mit dem ellenpogen bey seim ellenpogen
| [[File:MS B26 27r-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| A good wrestling from the dagger: if someone wants to strike at you from above with a dagger, then reach under the blow and [grab] his arm near the hand and dagger, and pull his arm strongly toward you over your chest, and set your left leg behind his right leg, and break him over your right [sic] leg onto his back with your left arm and hand above, with the hand by his left shoulder, and hold his right arm with the dagger by the hand tight in front of your chest until he falls.
| '''[27r-a]''' [E]in gut ringen aus dem degen will dich ainer von oben an [?] ein degen In dich schlahen so vnter greiff im den slag vnd [ergreiff] Im sein arm nahent bey der hendt vnd dem degen vnd zuck sein arm starck vber dein prust an dich vnd setz dein lincks pain hinter sein rechts pain vnd prich In oben mit deim lincks arm vnd handt bei seiner lincken achssell mit der handt vber dein rechts pain an sein Rucken vnd hab sein rechten arm mit dem degen bey der handt vor deiner brust fast bis er felt
| '''[187r-a]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 27r-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| A good wrestling from dagger after the German custom, wrestle [?] armed: if someone wants to strike at you from above with a dagger, then grab under his blow-stab with your right hand under his arm near his hand, and pull his arm strongly toward you on one side, and as you pull let him go forward, and step around him with two steps, and as you step grab him by the neck with your right arm, and set his [sic] right leg behind his right leg, and break him strongly above by the neck over your right leg onto his back. 
| '''[27r-b]''' [E]in gut Ringen aus dem degen nach Teutschen sitten ring gewappnet will ainer ein degen von oben an In dich schlah[e]n So vntter greiff im den schlag stich mit deiner rechten handt vnttr seim arm nahent bey seiner handt vnd zuck Im den arm starck zu dir auf ein seitten vnd In dem zucken so lass In fur geen vnd vmb trit In mit zweien tritten vnd in dem trit so ergreiff In bey seim hals mit deim rechten arm / vnd setz Im sein (sic) rechts pain hinter sein Rechts pain vnd prich In starck oben bey seim hals vber dein Rechts pain an sein Rucken
| '''[187r-b]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 27r-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| If you want to disarm someone who wants to stab at your body, then throw your left hand onto his arm, and then pull the left hand [back] again and fall to the dagger, and as you fall to it set your right arm below against his hand, and break his dagger out downward over the arm. 
| '''[27r-c]''' [W]Iltw aim den degen nemen der dich bey dem leib an stechen will so vall im mit deiner lincken handt In sein arm vnd zuck den die lincken handt wider vnd fall Im In degen vnd in dem fallen so setz dein rechten arm vnten an sein handt vnd prich Im den degen vntersich vber den arm auss
| [[File:MS B26 27r-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| If you want to disarm someone who wants to stab at you above, with will he does [??], then grab under the stab with your left arm near his hand, and break the dagger out to your left side.
| '''[27r-d]''' [W]Iltw aim den degen nemen der dich oben ein will stech[e]n mit woll er macht so vntergreiff Im den stich mit deim lincken arm nahent bey seiner handt vnd prich Ime den degen aus auf dein lincke seytten
| '''[188r-a]''' [No text]
| [[File:Codex 5278 188r-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[188r-b]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 27v-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another technique from the dagger: if someone wants to strike at you from above with a dagger, then grab under the blow, and catch his arm near his hand, and pull him forward, and twist his dagger hand around, and as you twist grasp with your left hand, and grab his same right arm below by the muscle, and bring and twist him down backward, and push [?] hard with your left hand under his armpit by his muscle, so you break his arm, or he must fall.
| '''[27v-a]''' [A]ber ein stuck aus dem degen will einer ein degen von oben an in dich schlahen / so vntergreiff Im den schlag vnd fah Im sein arm nahent bey seiner handt / vnd zuck In fur sich vnd windt Im die handt mit dem degen vmb vnd In dem winten so greiff zw mit deiner lincken handt vnd ergreiff den selben sein rechten arm vnten bey der meüss vnd pring vnd windt Im den nider zu ruck vnd schewb mit deiner lincken handt fast nach vnter sein vchssen bey seiner maus so pricht Im der arm oder ern muss vallen
| '''[187r-c]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 27v-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another such technique: when someone wants to [stab] at you above, then grab under the blow with your right [hand] near the hand and arm, and twist his hand [and] arm around behind his back, and meanwhile [?] grab his arm by the hand with your left hand, and step behind him, so his arm ? your left armpit, then lift his arm hard, and turn strongly to his back, and break and press his right elbow off inside with your left elbow.
| '''[27v-b]''' [A]ber ain sollich stuck wen dich ainer oben an will [stechen] so vntergreiff Im den schlag mit deiner Rechten [handt] nahent bey der handt vnd arm vnd wint Im die handt [vnd] den arm vmb hinten auf sein Rucken vnd in dem [?] greiff mit deiner lincken handt sein arm bey der [?] handt vnd trit hinter In so kimbt dir sein arm [?] dein lincks vchssen so heb sein arm vast vnd [?] vnd wint starck auf sein rucken vnd prich vnd truck Innen ab mit deinem lincken ellenpogen [?] seim Rechten ellenpogen
| '''[187r-d]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 27v-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another such technique likewise from the dagger as before: in all dealings [?], that you break his dagger out of the hand before and ??, you may twist, bend, and break his arm, or throw him backward from the leg.
| '''[27v-c]''' [A]ber gleich ein sollich stuck auss dem degen als vor In aller geschafft den das dw aim sein degen vor aus der handt pricht vnd hint nach magstw Im sein arm winden piegen Vnd prech[e]n oder werffen zu ruck aus dem painen
| '''[187r-e]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 27v-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another such like technique from the dagger: [when] someone [wants] to strike at you from above with a dagger, then grab under and catch the blow in your [hand] by his arm, and step around him with two [steps], and twist his arm onto his back, and [push] your left arm through it, and catch him by the [shoulder], and wrench his arm up, and throw him on his face; thus he must fall or break his arm.
| '''[27v-d]''' [A]ber gleich ein sollich stuck aus dem degen [wan] einer ein degen von oben an in ain schlahen [will] so vntergreiff vnd fah den slag In dein [handt] bey seim arm vnd vmb trit In mit zwaien [trit] vnd windt Im sein arm auf den Ruck vnd [steck] dein lincken arm dardurch vnd fass In bey der [achsel] vnd wig Im den arm auf vnd wirff In auf das antzlit so muss er fallen oder der arm Prech[e]n
| '''[187r-f]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 30r-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| If you want to disarm someone that wants to stab at your body, then throw your right hand to his arm, and then jerk the left hand again, and fall to the dagger, and as you fall to it set your right arm against his hand below, and break his dagger out downward over the arm
| '''[30r-a]''' Wiltw aim den degen nemen der dich bey dem Leib an stechen will so fall Im mit deiner Rechten handt Inn sein arm vnd ruck dan die lincken handt wider vnd fall Im In den degen vnd in dem fallen so setz dein Rechten arm vntten an sein handt vnd prich Im den degen vnter sich vber den arm auss
| [[File:Codex 5278 188r-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[188r-c]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 30r-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| If you want to disarm someone who wants to stab you below, and want to stab him in the same way, then as you disarm fall with your right hand to his arm and your left hand to the blade, and break the blade out toward him over your right arm, and thrust the dagger into his chest.
| '''[30r-b]''' Biltw (sic) aim den degen Nemen der dich vnt[e]n an will stechen / vnd wilt In selber also stechen In dem neme[n] so fal Im mit deiner rechten handt In den arm vnd mit der lincken handt in die klingen vnd prich die klingen gen In vber dein rechten arm aus vnd stoss den mit der Prust den degen In In
| '''[188r-d]''' [No text] (Similar)
| [[File:MS B26 30r-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| If someone wants to stab up at you from below, then catch the thrust on your right arm, and twist his arm onto his back with your arm with two steps, and then fall with your left hand to the other arm, and throw him to the ground.
| '''[30r-c]''' WIll man dich stech[e]n vnden auf so fah den stich auf dein rechten arm vnd wint Im sein arm mit deim arm auff den Ruck mit zwaien tritten vnd fall Im dan mit der lincken handt In den and[e]rn arm vnd wurff In auf die erd
| [[File:MS B26 30r-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| A courtly disarm with your dagger: if someone wants to strike at you from above with a dagger, then catch his blow on your right arm at your dagger, and quickly turn your dagger blade over his arm, and reach crosswise over your right arm with your left hand, and grab your blade with the same left hand, so you bind his hand and dagger, and then press your hand down with your dagger, and lift the arm up behind with the cross, so he must let the dagger fall or his arm break.
| '''[30r-d]''' EIn hoflich degen nemen mit deim degen will ein[er] ein degen In dich schlahen von oben ein so fah Im den schlag auf deim Rechten arm zw deim degen vnd resch wint Im dein degen klingen vber sein arm vnd greiff mit deiner lincken hant kreutzweis vber dein rechten arm vnd ergreiff dein klingen mit der selbig[en] lincken handt so verpintzt dw Im sein degen vnd handt vnd truck den dein handt mit deim degen nider vnd heb den arm hinten mit dem kreutz auf so muss ern degen fallen laß[e]n od[er] sein arm zwprechen
| '''[186r-e]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 30v-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| A hidden stab from the dagger: act as if you wanted to stab him above, so look the stab at him, and move down in front of him, and change your hand, and stab up from below to his groin. 
| '''[30v-a]''' EIn verporgner stich aus dem degen thue sam dw oben ann aim wolt stech[e]n so lug Im den stich vnd far vor Im nider vnd verbent dein handt vnd stich In von vnten auf zu dem gemecht
| '''[186r-f]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 30v-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another such technique with the dagger: grab his left arm near the hand, and then pull his arm forward, and stab him under the armpit with your dagger, thrusting up from below.
| '''[30v-b]''' Aber ein selich stuck mit dem degen ergreiff Im sein lincken arm nahent bey der handt vnd zuck Im den arm fur dich vnd stich In unter seim vchssen mit deim degen mit stichen vo[n] vnten auff
| [[File:MS B26 30v-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another stab up from below with the dagger in armour: when you grab someone by the arm, hand, or dagger, hold it tightly while you stab up from below with the dagger.
| '''[30v-c]''' Aber ein stich von vnten auff In harnisch mit dem degen / wen dw ain ergreifst bey seim arm handt oder degen das hab als fast die weil stich In von vnten auff mit dem degen
| [[File:MS B26 30v-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| Another beauty from the armoured dagger, or bare with a little stick: take your dagger in your hand, so that the blade points upward, and step toward him, and strike with your right arm onto his right shoulder with your dagger, so that the blade goes up behind his neck, and then reach crosswise underneath with your left arm, grasp the blade in the hand by the point, and pull him strongly toward you, and press his neck strongly, so you strangle him in a houndscap [kind of helmet?], or his neck is exposed.
| '''[30v-d]''' Aber ein hubschait aus dem degen gewappent oder plos mit aim holtzlein nym dein degen In dein handt das die kling vbersich sehe vnd trit zw aim vnd schla[h] Im dein rechten arm auf sein rechten achssel mit dein degen / das Im die kling hinter sein hals auff gee vnd greiff dan mit dein lincken arm kreutzweiss vnder greiff die klingen bey der spitz In die handt vnd zeuch In starck zue dir vnd truck Im sein hals mit den [?] starck zw so erstickstw In In einer huntzkapp[e]n oder [?] er ploss mit dem hals ist
| [[File:MS B26 31r-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31r-a]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31r-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31r-b]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31r-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31r-c]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31r-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31r-d]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31r-e.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-e]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31r-f.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31r-f]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31v-a.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-a]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31v-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-b]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31v-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-c]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31v-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-d]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31v-e.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-e]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 31v-f.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[31v-f]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 33r-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[33r-c]''' [No text]
| [[File:MS B26 33r-d.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[33r-d]''' [No text]
| '''[189r-a]''' [No text] (Similar)
| [[File:Codex 5278 189r-b.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[189r-b]''' [No text]
| [[File:Codex 5278 189r-c.jpg|300x300px|center]]
| '''[189r-c]''' [No text]
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Revision as of 22:52, 16 March 2014

[This article is just a placeholder at the moment]


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