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daye is had in memorie. Also Mario capteine of the Romains at the overthrowe of the Cymbri otherwise called Flamingi at what time he determined to fight wth his Ennemie commanded that his whole armie sholde eate temperatlie and afterwardes attending the helpe of the sonne wch shined vppon the face of thennemie thorough force therof & the duste wthout greate resistaunce he vanquished that moste obstinate people Not wthstanding (as in one place it is recited) the lawe Civile & the lawes of Lombardie doe not permitt, that in combatts there shalbe vsed any herbes venemous devises, or other divelish arts. Therfore the Prince havinge admitted free & indifferente feilde, it semeth that he that caste abroade theas pricks hathe iniustlie violated the securitie of his lorde. The lawe saith that Princes doe make the place of Combatt sacred & lawfull & whosoeuer dooth violate the same deserueth punishmente. And therfore because the offence committed was contrarie to the true nature of Combat wherin a man ought to offende his ennemie only by meanes allowable in armes this arte semeth an vnlawfull crafte and great treason, for the agrement was to fight wth swordes & not otherwise. ffor thease reasons it semeth it is not lawfull to offende the ennemie by other deceipts, and though it be permitted in combatts for liffe and death to vse all pollecies, yet shall it not exceede the articles agreed vppon. Therfore accordinge to the lawe he deserueth no rewarde that dishonestlie transgresseth the Couenents agreed of. And albeit in Combatts for lief it is lawfull everie waye to offende the ennemie, yet is it intended that the same shall not be wth other weopons or aduauntage then were agreed vppon by order & Custome in armes and not by such meanes as are not allowable therby. As for example yf two doe appointe to fight wth swordes, it is not lawfull yt anie of them shall bring to the feilde a launce a Crosbowe or such like, and this I affirme for reason and lawe vnder the correction of experte capteines Conductors & others longe practized in the discipline of Armes. ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~