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duetie or custome. A lorde of a Signorie having rent
or Revennve to spende in time of necessitie, ought not to
convert the same only to his vse. ffor as Ian Andrea
de Iserina saith. Not kepinge it for times of necessitie
but consuminge it in privatt occasions & pompe or in keping
of Iesters, or other superfluous pastimes not fitt for a
gent, he greatlie erreth. And no vassalls be bounde
to fight for their lorde, but only such as have ffee speci:
allie geven them for that duetie. But yf their lorde
shold saye to the five beforesaid, I will paye you for
your seruice and give yowe stipends as my soldiers to
goe & fight for me. In this Case geving them reaso:
nable interteignemt, whether they be bounde by thease
words to fight for him, we wll hereafter give iudgemt

Whether an Artisan professinge
armes & yet Vsinge his crafts
maye fighte wth an other Soldier.

Ca. 14.

One necessarie Question is demaunded, yf
in the Campe beinge Certeine Artisans or other of vile
condicion, who doe also serue in thexercise of armes on foote
or horsback, and notwthstanding their enterteignment doe
vse also their occupacions. An during the time of this
seruice, one of them Challengeth vppon quarrell of honnor
one other soldier beinge a gent, seruinge on foote, or as a
launce of horsback whether e may be refuzed or not?
wherto I saye yea. ffor this reason. Such as sholde be
permitted to fighte wth gent, ought to be they that accor:
dinge to themperiall lawe have priuiledge to exercise
armes who be onlye gent, for such as do vse handie crafts
sholde not be permitted to serue in armes but only gentlemen