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Whether A kinge crowned maye
challengea kinge vncrowned or
no. Ca. 5.

Heer followth a Question of two kings
who vppon title to one kingdome doe offer to
fighte in person, the one happelie saith to his ad:
versarie. I am a kinge crowned and thowe vncrowned an
vsurper and Tiraunte, wherfore thow oughtest not to fight
wth me. A certeine olde souldier of this Realme and well
practized in armes saide, that yf two kinges wolde come to com:
bat for this kingdome of Sicilia, that in that case no combat
were to be permitted, because the one of them only was invested
& the other not. But for resolution of this doubte I saye
that the Christian kings be in nomber fowreteene. Of wch
nomber fowre onlye were crowned by the Pope, that is
to saye the kinge of Fraunce, the kinge of Jerusalem,
the kinge of Sicilia, & the kinge of Englande. The
others obserue their customes and somme are crowned by
Prelatts. And the crowne in tholde testament was geven to
kings by the name of Diadema, wch was made of golde beset
wth manie precious stones as it is written in the seconde
booke of the kings ca xij. This crowne geveth to kings no
newe dignitie, and is a signe royall, but yet maketh not a kinge.
It signifieth sufficiencie of powre and great honnor. Seneca
saith, the crowne is not of such nercessitie [sic] but that wthout
it a kinge may be. ffor kings are in their royall estate for
their virtue, and ought therin to persever, so as they maye governe
them selves and their people. Therfore the crowne aug:
menteth not the Royall dignitie, neither have the kings crowned
other powre then vncrowned, because the Crowne is geven
to kings in token they are victorious, whose virtue ought to
serue as precious stones, set vppon their crownes wthout vice
or deceit. This crowne is geven to kings fora gravitie in