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gave their spoiles for a memorie to their ofspringe as Tullio
Tito Liuio writeth, wherfore whensoever two gent doe beare
one armes deuise or other token of honnor, and either of them ha:
uinge so done longe time passed, & yet neither able to showe anie
prioritie by graunte of the Prince, no combat shalbe ad:
mitted in that case, because neither of them can be proued an
vsurper. And this is to be vnderstoode when the bearers be equall
of bloude estate & dignitie, for beinge vnequall he ought to be
preferred thatis of the worthier race, but in the case before reher:
sed it shall not be prohibited to anie of them to beare them. And
therfore yt were expedient that by agrement they make afterwards
somme difference in their armes or deuise so as no further contention
be, But yf in this case none agrement wilbe had, but that
needelye they wilol fighte who shall possess all, then the
Prince maye at pleasur geue them the feilde to fighte, although
armes & honnor of longe time kepte, wolde not but vppon great
necessitie be aduentured. Moreover yf the armes have anie
diuersitie or difference in name, there can be no cause of quarrell
as yf one geueth the bore the othe the Sowe. ffor as Aristotle
saithe, the diuersitie of substaunce or qualitie accidentall ma:
keth the difference. As we see one beareth a lion gules in a
feilde azure, an other beareth the same in a feilde sables, somme
beare the lion redde, somme other white, somme reguardant, somme
couchaunt, somme passaunt, & somme rampaunt. Somme beare ye
starre wth vij raies, somme wth five & somme with sixe, somme
wth longe raies & somme with shorte. Somme beare the moone
at full & somme in the wane. Somme beare the egle displaid
somme beare the same flienge, somme beare the rose wth ye stalke
& somme wthout, somme beare a horse aduaunsinge the right legge
and somme the lefte, somme wth a bridle, & somme wthout or such
like. The nomber of wch differences were here to longe to be

In what sorte the combatt is to
be eschewed wth A defamed

Ca. 28.