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Off a certeine worthie Souldier I was demaun:
ded this Qwestion, yf a gent vppon quarrell sendeth
his glove of defiaunce by the herehault to him that offred
the iniurie. The herehault or Trompet doinge his inde:
vour can by no meanes finde him to present the defiaunce The
question is what the saide herehault ought to doe for the
execution of his Commission. havinge hereuppon perused
sondrie books and assembled diuers consultacions thus I re:
solued That yf the gloue were sent into anye Campe where
the defender did governe as Capteine generall, or yf he serued
anye kinge Prince or other Potentate in anye fortresse castle
or Cittie he ought to be sought there on the behalf of the
Challenger, and not beinge founde the herehault shall desire
license to enquire of the absent knight, who beinge founde
in his Pavilion or wthin the Circuit of his province, the
saide herehault shall there publish the defiaunce, and shall
doe the like in the market place of the Campe, or where all
the armie doe assemble in squadron or muster. Or yf
happelie he be a courtier, then shall the saide message of
defiaunce be pronounced in the Cowrt of his Mr, and take
therof recorde & witnesse, of his circumspection & diligence
And the Challenge beinge thus done shalbe recroded as an
edicte, and not answeringe hereto, the iudgement shall pro:
ceede as in the next Chapiter shalbe discoursed.

Of th Same matter.

Ca. 25.

The gentleman that hath sente in this sorte his
wager of battle to him that absenteth him selfe
and dooth not as becommeth a good soldier make answere may
accordinge to the order in armes wthout all passion proceede
against him that contrarie to reason & wthout all reaso:
nable excuse absenteth him selfe wthout answere made