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In What cases the Lorder maie refuze
to fight wth his Vassalls.

Ca. 18.

In this present Chapter it is declared that
combatt may be betwext the lorde and his vassall
in person. ffor yf the Subiecte doe pretende to be offred
by his lorde, iniurie in case of infidelitie, it is presumed the
same is infamie, and contrarie to his honnor. Therfore yf
the vassall doe in this case wth iustice demaunde the combat
the lorde maye not avoide it, or in refuzinge he shall re:
maine dishonnored. And thoughe he dooth offer his cham:
pion, yet in this case of infidelitie he ought to fight in
person, because the quarrell riseth vppon infidelitie, wch
towcheth asmuch the honnor of the subiecte as the lorde
and importeth the lorde no lesse to obserue his fidelitie
towardes his subiecte, then the subiecte to his lorde.
And therfore in this case, there is no superioritie, when
soever anye fidelite is once promized & not performed, &
therfore when the vassall challengeth his lorde wth in:
fidelitie, and that he denieth the same, the vassall shall saye
it is vntrwe that he answereth, and so for savinge his honnor
come to combatt wth his lorde wch by champion he may not
performe, but in person, wch reason Mr Andrea de
Iserina dooth approve in the booke of Phendi. wherin
it is concluded that fidelitie ought to be betwext the lorde
and the vassall recyproke. And therfore personall com:
batt cannot be avoyded where fidelitie is once promised.