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have committed murder thefte, open bawdrie, or such like detesta:
ble offences. Also all they that have abiured their Religion &
ecclesiastical vowe, And this is determined by the lawe of
Lombardie, the lawes civile & the opinion of Andrea
de Iserina, alwaies (except when thease infamous persons
doe fighte wth men of lyke condicion to them selues) for in yt
case no combat can be avoyded.

Howe ye Champions entringe into
th Listes ought to Sweare to
fighte according to Iustice wth
Respecte of their Reputacion &

Ca. 6.

All gentlemen and lykewyse their Champions
ought to Remember yt at their entrie into the lyste
by the Patrons of their quarrell, they shalbe solemnly
sworne, that the cause wherfore they fighte is iuste &
Rightfull, and that neither of them doe accuse the other by
fraude, for malice, and that everie of them shall valiently
defende the honnor of their Mr. Theas Champions
shall also sweare, that no privie Intelligence or promise
hath passed betwext them for ye forbearinge or not hur:
tinge one the other, and yt wth all force & courage they
shall seeke to vanquish thennemie wthout favour or fraude
And this is decreed by Fredericke the Emperor and
affirmed by Mr Baldo of Perugia.