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As yff the vassall doe chardge his lorde to have com:
mitted lyke offence contrarye to his honnor & reputacion.
In that case the lorde shall not be admitted to his Champion, but
shall personallie fight wth his vassall as hereafter shalbe more
at length declared. And it is to be noted that in case of treason
or murder no Champion shalbe admitted, but shalbe performed
in person.ffor in seaven only cases are challengers receaved as
shalbe more at length declared.

Of Suche champions as be vanquished
or that doe fighte fraudulentlie.

Ca. 2.

Whensoever anye Earle Duke Prince or other
great lorde doe happen to appointe their Champion to
fighte for him, & be vanquished, yt shalbe saide and reputed that
the lorde for whome he did fighte was overcome & vanquished.
vnles it be proved yt the saide Champion hathe fraudulently suff:
red him selfe to be vanquished, and willinglie looseth the honnor
of his lorde, and beinge to pved not to have done his duetie, he
shalbe punished. But yf the Champion dooth iustefie or
confesse the faulte, in that case Federigo the Emperor
made a Constitucion, that he shalbe reputed as vanqui:
shed, and so to confesse his lorde that did appointe him.
By the lawe of Lombardie no champion is admit:
ted but in case of impedimente, or for Priviledge of dig:
nitie, or yt the Challenger be of lesse honnor then the defender
And therfore it was concluded that the Champion ought
to be his equall to whome he is offred to fight, for other:
wise he maye be by iustice refuzed as shalbe said