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ca: 6.

It is to be noted that in consideracion of the place manye tymes combatts be iustlye prohibited, as to performe them in temples or other sacred places, also are forbydden vppon the Sabaoth and holie dayes appointed to the srvice and honnor of God. ffurther yf the cause be not iuste, or when they fighte not for their owne honnor, yn defence of their contrey, or iniuste quarrell; at thease and such like occasions, place and tymes, who so fighteth dooth greatly offende, like those that against all righte doe defende their contrye as hereafter we will declare. ffor the force & honestie of Iustice is greate. As yf a man be iustlie condemned to death breaketh prison and escapeth dooth committ a greate offence. Such like combatts are also by the scriptures forbidden to persons ecclesiasticall, aswell in respecte of them selues as for other causes, Also in the territories and possessions ecclesiasticall geven for the sustentacion and releife of spirituall persons, combat is likewyse vnlawfull, though the lawe of Lombardie willeth, that ecclesiasticall personns for goodes deteyned from teh Churche mighte fighte by champion But this was after disannulled.

Howe Chaunces of particular combat, where is no institution of Armes are to be iudged by Lawes Emperiall.