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Howe a Murderer cannot be a Champion unles his accuser do refuze to fight in person. ca. 12

Howe Champions are geven accordinge to the answer of ye defender. ca. 13

Libri sexti capita

In howe manie causes men maie come to wager of battell. 1

ffor what causes men maye come to Combatt. ca. 2

In howe manie cases Combat is permitted. ca. 3

Howe Combatts had beginninge of God & howe they are permitted. ca. 4

ffor what persons men maye come to Combat. ca. 5

ffor what reasons the exercise of armes is used. ca. 6

In howe manie cases punishement is to be done vppon those that kill men in particular Combat. ca. 7

Whether a man maye be punished for sleinge an other in the territorie of an other Prince. ca. 8

If a man Challenged may be forbidden to fight by his Prince. ca. 9

Whether a gent Challenginge the vassal of an other Prince shalbe punished. ca. 10

If two knights of sondrie armies doe come to defiannce whether they ought be punished. ca. 11

In what cases the L. is bonnd to fight wth his vassall. 12

If two enemies be made freinds and fall into a new quarrell whether the peace betwext them be broken. ca. 13

If vppon a penaltie a man promiseth to geve the lie to an other, whether not so doinge he maye come to Combat. ca. 14

Whether a woman maye fight in person or by champion. 15

Whether a sonne acceptinge battle offered maye be forbidden by his father. ca. 16

If one iniuried doe repulse the iniurie whether they maye come to combat. ca. 17

In what cases the lorde maye not refuze to fight wth his vassall. ca. 18

In what cases a man iniuried maye come to combat ofte. ca. 19

Whether a defender maye Channge ye quarrell. ca. 20

In what case for iniurie a man maie comme to defiannce. 21

Whether a man iniuried in his trouth may come to combat. ca. 22

If the defendr doe not appeare to combat howe to prcede. ca. 23