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that the Consulls appointed to the administracion of Iustice in the common weale had continuallie borne before them a bundle of small wandes or roddes tied together wth a Corde, manie times straightlie bounde abowt them wherby to put them in minde that yf anye Consull hapned to fall into collor or anger & therin desyred to punish, that then he sholde not performe his entent therin vntill such time as this bundell were vntied in wch space his anger might happelie decrease. Dante the Poet saieth, that the sworde of God dooth not cutt in haste, because yf it be founde by Iudges electe or the lookers on that this man was guiltie of disobedience to the Prince, or yt he refuzed to sweare, wherby his excuse of innocencye sholde seme feigned that then he sholde be grevouslie punished, as a traitor & lawfullie vanquished. And the other vnlawfullie hurte to receive the honnor as obedient & victorious, seinge he did euer keepe the feilde, wch is allwaies reputed a thinge very honnorable, and in all combatts iuste & worthie commendacion. ffor no man vppon any cause vniuste or other ought to forsake the feilde, till the Iudge hath pronounced Iudgement because the possession of the feilde hath alwaies bene great reputacion and cheiflie to him that gained victorie. ~ . ~ .

Of a matche of seauen men at Armes against the Like nomber. ~ . ~

Ca. 32.

In a matche of seaven knightes against seaven others for triall of virtue & glorie, wth agrement wch parte did best performe the enterprise that the same sholde be adiudged to their honnor It hapened that five of the one partie did worthelie behave them selues, & the other two of that side were vnhorsed & fell to the ground by force of two others on the contrarie part, whose other five fellowes did verie evell, bothe in fowle ronninge & losse of launces. The question is whether partie ought