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saith shalbe burned alive. Besides thease, whosoever is exco:
municate, an vsurer openlie knowne, or a merchaunt wthout faith
shall lykewise be condemned of infamie. In lyke sorte everye
gent exercysing any occupation vnfitt for his nobilitie, callinge,
or the profession of armes. And generallie every man that
thorough his owne evell desrts offendeth, shalbe accompted de:
famed, because thorough infamie all dignitie & nobilitie is
loste. lykewise every Bastard of anye gent yf he be not
virtuous shalbe refuzed for noble, for bastardes are estemed
vile dishonnorable & not of anie noble howse, vnles they have
good Condicions, be virtuous or longe practized in armes, for
then in case of his owne honnor, he may not by a gent be refuzed
because the nature of man is commune to all men. And yf
the said bastarde be made legitimate, by the lawe or Prince
or by mariage of his Parents after birth, he shalbe as law:
full, for that all lawe doth affirme, that they are like to others
that be legitimate. If a Bastarde doe serue longe time
in a Princes Cowrte, he dooth deserue priviledge of le:
gitimacion, and shall not be disallowed except for great vice
or offence, wherby he incurreth infamie intollerable. And
this proceedeth by religion of armes wch seeketh thaduauncemt
of virtue. The discipline of armes hath manie rules
written in the lawe, wch who so transgresseth doth deserue
great punishment. And this discipline dooth expulse
all infamies from the profession of armes. Therfore in
battle fame, honnor & virtue be greatlie reguarded.

Whether an ordinarie Soldier
maye come to combatt wth a cap:
teine or other officer.

Ca. 11.