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be occupied in Batteill yowe ought not to sitt in reste. In the book of Josue it is shewed that by the devine commanndement it was ordered, all the sinners of Amichaleth sholde be slaine and to continnue the fighte so longe till not one were lefte on live. In St Jerome we reade that God saide, prepare your sheildes and Sallette, and arme yourselues wth youre Curatte, mounte vppon your horsses, take your lannces in hande, and goe againste youre ennemies, assemble in batteill and cursed be he that spareth the bloode of thennemies to ye people of Israel. In the booke of Joel is written one othr godlie precepte sayenge Turne your plowes into swordes and your rakes into lannces of Iron. And in all the booke of Machabees, we se that God exorteth, moveth and p[ro]voketh his people to assayle thennemies of Israel in batteill. Also in all the booke of the Kinges, God commanndeth to make warres vppon the disobedient people. It is therfore apparannt by so manie aucthorities that warrs and conflicts are proceeded from God, to punish his disobedient and rebellious people, oppresse Tirannts, and occasion peace in the worlde. Wherfore takinge assurannce in thexamples of God, we will bouldlie discours of privat batteills and combatts wherin commonlye is showed the devine Iustice, to the proffit of all nobilitie and valiant gentlemen, that wth sworde in hande by fighte and combat desire to presrue their honnor and fame vnspotted, defendinge the trewth and worldlie glorie against all wicked and infamous personns that shall seeke to hinder the same, as hereafter, more at lardge we shall declare. And for the behove of suche as are vnlerned in the Latine tonnge, we have here translated, the whole arte of Chivalrye wth aucthoritie of Imperiall Lawes, thexamples of anntient exploits and constitution in armes obs[e]r[e]ued.