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Index talk:Joachim Meyers Fäktbok (MS A.4º.2)

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Transcription Olivier Dupuis Private communication

Transcription Notes

Note: the page number is the one indicated on the upper right corner; this numbering is often missing or partially cut, in all but the first pages. This is an argument for their writing before the the current binding.

There is an apparent disorder in this numbering in the first pages; the number 1|5 is placed between the pages 2 and 3 and the pages 6 and 7 seem to have been inversed.

Particularity of the language for the hand B (fol. 10r-38v)

  • position inversion for the letter h in certain words: nhemlich, sthe, verkheren, thrit, ahn, fhel
  • introduction of a h after the initial k: khunst, khommen
  • contraction of einem/deinem/seinem in eim/deim/seim
  • a capital on the first letter in the words "In" or "Im" (only exception on fol. 18v)

Abbreviations system for the hand B:

  • -en/-n : a running line at the end of the word (abgehen, ...), very common
  • -er-, -er: a sort of apostrophe in the middle or the end of a word (od' for oder), very common too
  • initial letters followed by a dot or double do (sch: of fol. 36r for "schneid"), uncommon
  • v stricken for versetzen, uncommon, one occurrence on fol. 30v

Punctuation used by the hand B: "/" "." "?" (fol. 10v), "¶" (actually a sign indicating the end of a paragraph), ":" (fols 13r, 22r)

Particularity of the language for the hand A (fol. 1r-9v, 38v-...)

The language used by the hand A does not share the same particularities , it uses less abbreviations, more double n (unnd, ochsenn, ...), -e added to vowel to mark a diphthong (bloess, moecht), which could indicate a composition from another period.

Caractéristiques idiomatique:

  • itzt : encore utilisé dans certaines régions suisses (fol. 27v, 29r, 71r)
  • i,j and u,v are rendered following their own pronunciation system
  • overscripting done to indicate a u instead a n, or a y instead a g, are note rendered