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Page:Paradoxes of Defence (George Silver).pdf/6
taine in thoſe weapons which they teach. To proue this, I haue ſet forth theſe my Paradoxes, different I confeſſe from the maine current of our outlandiſh teachers, but agreeing I am well aſſured to the truth, and tending as I hope to the honor of our Engliſh nation. The reaſon which moued me to aduenture ſo great a taske , is the deſire I haue to bring the truth to light , which hath long time lyen hidden in the caue of contempt, while we like degenerate ſonnes, haue forſaken our forefathers vertues with their weapons,and haue luſted like men ſicke oſ a ſtrange ague, after the ſtrange vices and deuiſes of Italian, French and Spaniſh Fencers, litle remembring , that theſe Apiſh toyes could not free Rome from Brennius ſacke, nor Fraunce from King Henrie the fift his conqueſt. To this deſire to find out truth the daughter of time, begotten of Bellona, I was alſo moued , that by it I might remoue the great loſſe of our Engliſh gallants, which we daily ſuffer by theſe imperfect fights, wherein none vndertake the combat , be his cauſe neuer ſo good , his cūning neuer ſo much, his ſtrength and agilitie neuer ſo great , but his vertue was tied to fortune : happie man, happie