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{{main | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º) }}
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! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| '''Conclusion of hewing:'''
Would that your fighting be lucky –<br/>
Then be lively, withhold not long the play.<br/>
The dandy laugh at that<br/>
While the earnest make –<br/>
They trust in the sword.<br/>
As the Talhoffer does teach:<br/>
In the sword you shall have trust and belief,<br/>
So that blood runs not over the eyes, etc
| '''[1v] Beschliessung der höw'''
Wiltu daz dirß fechten glück<br/>
Bïß frisch verhalt nit lang die stück<br/>
Darzuo hypschlich lachen<br/>
Und die ernstlichen machen<br/>
Daz trow Jm Schwert<br/>
Die der talhofer lert<br/>
Jm Schwert soltu nyemen trowen noch gelouben<br/>
So Rint dir daz bluot nit uber die ougen etc ~
| Thus here is the key to Rightful Art, according to all the masters, the sundry hands of converging ways; which is also consigned to memory; and which is the right grounding:
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">J</strong>tem die Sloß der rechten kunst nach dem alß die maister Die abgetailt hand von genähe wegen Daz ouch billich zu behaltent ist wen diß ist der recht grunde
| Thus firstly, when you will fight in earnest with someone, then look out for how you and he agree what hour thereafter; thus by all means you act according to pressing need; and keep that to yourself and tell nobody what you have in mind or would do, since the World is so false. And by all means, the gauntlets serve to your vantage; sword and gambeson and leggings and whatever you will that is customary; yet mark how you and he agree upon that – and so then abide by it. Even if the sword has no other right, then it has that which is one’s own and free will. Thus when you come within the barriers and will begin / attack, then let any foe say and do what he will; and cower not within yourself; and have the earnest in mind; and whatever he says unto you, do not react to it; and fight earnestly for yourself thusly; and let him have no rest and become no threat; and follow the art, thus fear not his strikes; and would he draw you into meetings of the blades, then counterstrike merrily.
| Jtem zu dem ersten wenn du Jn ernst mit ainem fechten wilt So luog wie du mit jm abredst und uff wolche stund nach dem so richt dich nach notturft mit allem zuog und daz tuo selber haimlich Und sag nymant waß du Jm sinn habest oder tun wollest wenn die welt ist also Valsch und richt diu hentschuch nach deim vortail mit Allem zuog Schwert und wameß hosen und waß du Den bruchen wilt und merck aber wie du mit Jm Abredist Dann darby wirt eß beliben wan daz schwert Hat sunst kain recht Dann daz es aigner und fryer will ist Jtem wen du in den schrancken kumpst und an gan wilt So lauß yederman sagen und tun waß er wöll und sich Nit hindersich und hab den ernst jm sinn und waß er mit Dir red da ker dich nit an und ficht ernstlich für Dich daz Und lauß im kain Ruo und trou und folg der kunst furcht nit Sine sleg und wil er ernstlich an Dich zuck jnnß treffen dz uh (!) How wider fröhlich
| Thereupon speaks Hans Talhoffer: The good man must speak up for the truth – even when it seems obvious and happens often, etc
| daran spricht Hanß talhofer der guot man Daz muß er für Die warhait Jehen Wann eß ist Jm ouch Wol Eben dick und offt beschehen <span style="color:#A40000;">etc</span> ~ ~
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Here finds one written of judicial combat</strong>
Thus what now be decreed as forbidden of all combatants. So by and by, it has become the custom of kaisers and kings, princes and lords, to whom one likens himself and emulates, that one is obliged to fight, especially regarding several causes and articles which are written down hereafter.
| '''[8r] <span style="color:#A40000;">hie vint man geschriben von dem kempfen</span>'''
<span style="color:#A40000;">I</span>tem wie daz nun sy daz die die decretaleß kempf verbieten, So hat doch die gewonhait herbracht von kaisern und künigen fürsten und hern noch gestatten und kempfen laussen, und darzu glichen schierm gebent, und besunder und umb ettliche sachn und artikeln, alß her nach geschriben staht.
| Yet firstly this – Nobody is happy when one of his comrades cuts him up with loud words. He who would have at dueling with such a comrade, indeed he is within his rights and may well-fight him if he would. Thus dueling is wantonness.
| <span style="color:#A40000;">Item zu dem ersten maul daz im nymant gern sin Eer laut abschniden mit wortten ainem der sin genoß ist Er wolte Er hebat mit im kempfen wie wol er doch nit recht wol von im kem ob er wolte und darumb so ist kämpfen ain muotwill</span>
| <span style="color:#A40000;">'''Now those aforesaid causes and articles are seven, wherefor a man has duty to fight:'''
*Thus the first is murder.
*The second is treason.
*The third is heresy.
*The fourth is becoming an urger of disloyalty to one’s lord.
*The fifth is betrayal in strife or otherwise.
*The sixth is falsehood.
*The seventh is using either a maiden or lady.</span>
| <span style="color:#A40000;">'''Item der sachen und ardickelen sind siben Darumb man noch pfligt zu kempfen'''
*Item daz erst ist mortt
*Daz ander verräterniß
*Das dritt ketzery
*Daz vierd wohher an sinem herrn trulos wirt
*Daz fünfft umb fanknuß in striten oder sunsst
*Daz sechst um valsch
*Daz sibent da ainer junckfrowen oder frowen benotzogt</span>
| That is why one man challenges another to duel. Such a man shall come before court and shall lay down his case through his own advocacy. Therefor he who accuses shall name the man by baptized name and surname. At the appointed hour it is right that he who calls for the tribunal also complains to three tribunes after the accused comes – unless either one comes not and answers for himself. Yet nobody of one’s ilk may do so, for truly one may answer better for himself. Then the accuser proves his need be just and right. So shall the man under accusation, as much as his accuser, comprehend and likewise this helps the land. Only after all the testimony is done shall verdict be rendered.
| Item spricht ain man den andern kempflich an, der sol komen für gericht und sol durch sinen fürsprechen sin sach für legen, darumb er in denn an kagt und sol den man nennen mit dem touff namen und zuo namen. So ist recht, daz er in für gericht lad und in dry stund beklag uff dryen gerichten nach ain ander. kumt er denn nit und veranttwurt sich nach nymant von sinen wegen, so mag er sich fürbaß nit mer veranttwurten, '''[8v]''' er bewyse dann Ehafte nott als recht sy, so sel man in verurtailen alß fer in daz sin bott innerhalb landes begriffen hant. Je dar nach, alß die ansprach ist gegangen, darnach sol daz urtail ouch gan.
| Thus he who was challenged, he comes singularly before the three tribunes to respond and gainsay. Therefor the man who was challenged, he speaks thus that he be blameless and he repeats that the accusations be not true and thereover he would honour with struggle upon that knowledge, as then be right for and required by the land wherein this be and so thereupon is dealt his training-time. So he is dealt six weeks and four days from this tribunal for his training time. Thereupon is also dealt that the men shall struggle as is customary and right in the land. Thus the two men pledge willingly to go before court and struggle against each other – each also with about six weeks of trainingtime in peace, during which either or both are banished if someone breaks peace – thus not until when it is agreed upon as right by the judge.
| Item der da kempflich angesprochen wirt uff den dryen gerichten und er ainost zuo der antwort kumpt und leugnot darum man in an gesprochen hat und spricht er sy des also unschuldig und der sag uff in daz nit war sy und daz wöll er widerumb mit kempfen beherten und uff in daz wysen alß denn recht sy un dem land darinn eß sy und forttert dar über mit urtail seinen lertag, so werdent im sechß wochen ertailt zu sinem lertag und vier tag von dem gericht werdent im auch ertailt, daruff sie kempfen süllent alß in dem land gewonhait und recht ist. Item versprechent sich zwen man willkürlich gen einander ain kampfez vor gericht, den git an auch sechs wochen lertag und sol in frid bannen baiden, und wolcher under den den frid brech, uber den richtet man on den kampf alß recht ist.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">How one may lawfully meet the other.</strong>
Thus is one man challenged to fight by another man. The man said to be not as good by the other – he may with right meet that other, if he will. Or if a man would be said or become spurious, then he may instead disregard the duel. Thus indeed the noble challenge the craven to dueling – so may the craven not well disregard that.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">wie ainer dem anderen mit recht ußgan mag</strong>
Item ist daz ein man kempflich angesprochen wiert von aim der nit alß guot ist alß er, dem mag er mit recht uß gan ob er wil oder ob ain man echtloß gesagt würde oder worden wer, dem mag man ouch des kampfes absin. Item spricht aber der edler den mindern an zu kempfen, so mag der den minderen nit wol absin.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Thus why indeed two men may not combat one another; though whichever among them, of the two, may well want to meet the other:</strong>
Thus these two men are intent to duel – except they who are within five places of kinship, they may not rectify with one another by dueling; which seven men must swear, who may be of either the paternal or maternal half of either man’s family.
| '''[9r] <span style="color:#A40000;">Item wie aber zwen mann nit mit ainender mügent kempfen und wolcher wil under den den zweye dem andern wol uß gan mag</span>'''
Item wenn zween mann ?gesinnt sind biß uff die fünffte sipp oder näher die mügent durch recht nit mit ein ander kempfen und des müssn siben man schwern die die vatter und muotter halb mäge sind.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Thus how one or the other may disregard the duel, if he has such a handicap as written and stated here: </strong>
Thus if a lame man, or one who has bad eyes, becomes challenged to duel. Yet if he may well-manage somehow to meet the sound one, it be then the wise decree to make this person on par with the other; and that wise decree must be done upon their oath; such that just as well the lamed or poorly sighted man thus may well win instead of the other one in any duel of theirs.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Item wie aber ainer dem anderen kampfes absin mag mit solichem gelimpf alß hie geschribn stät</strong>
Item ob ain lamer man oder einer der böse ougen hett und kampfes an gesprochen wirt der mag sich der auch wol behellffen und dem gesunden usgan, eß sy denn daz wyse lüt daz gelich nach der ?person machen und daz müessent wyß lüt uff ir eid tun und daz also glich machen. Es mag auch der lam oder mit den bosen ougen wol einen an ir statt gewinnen der für iro ainen kempfe.
| When thus the six weeks are past and the last day is come, then the judge has summoned them, whereupon shall be combat. So shall they both come before the judge with such training and in such respect as the customs and law teach in the land wherein the duel shall be; or accordingly as they have otherwise willingly agreed and so forth.
| Item wenn also die sechß wochen uß sind und der letst tag komen ist den in der richter beschaiden haut daruff kempfen sullen, so sullen sie beide für den richter komen mit solichem ertzögen und in solich acht alß die gewonheit und das recht lert in dem lande dar inn sie kempfen sullen oder nach dem alß sie mit einander gewillkürt habent Item etc. -
| Thus so there, the complainant shall swear that he therefor has cause for fighting the other; and that he has deemed the other man guilty. And then shall the judge assign a ring and “grit-wardens” and verdict; and counsel wise decrees according to the customs of the land; whereupon the day in the ring arrives for the verdict. One erring man vanquished as honour demands; which he shall take as proof and as rightful / lawful.
| Item so soll da der cleger schweren daz er der sach darum er dem ainen man zugesprochen haut schuldig sy und denn so sol man in ainen ring machen und grieß wartten und urttail geben '''[9v]''' nach wyser lute raut und nach des landeß gewonhait. Und wer uff den tag in den ring nit kumpt den urttailt man sigeloß in irre denn Ehafte nott die sol er bewysen alß recht ist -
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Here is stated how one shall hold oneself when the combatants are come into the ring upon the appointed hour, at which time one thus shall duel the other adversarily: </strong>
<span style="color:#A40000;">W</span>hen the combatants are thus come into the ring, then the judge of that hour shall stare at all there; and advise that hiding is forbidden, by health and wealth; and that he shall not allow one or the other to be aided by someone else; thus shall each both do combat exclusively; so may the judge intimidate any rabble.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Hie staut wie man sich halten sol wenn die kempfer in dem ring komen sind uff die stund und uff die zit so man pheindiglich kempfen sol</strong>
<br/><span style="color:#A40000;">W</span>Enn die kempfer also in den ring komen sind So sol der richter von stund an alle stür und ler vestecklich verbieten by lyb und guot und sol nicht gestatten daz man einem für den andern nicht zulege und sel inß beiden machen so er imer gelichest mag ungenerde.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">That which is lawful if one of the combatants flees out, or becomes driven out, of the ring:</strong>
Thus whichever combatant comes out of the ring, before then the duel has its deadly ending, because he becomes knocked out of the ring by the other or he flees thereout, or however else he comes thereout; or he admits that the other man’s position regarding the cause for challenge is right – then shall that man be adjudged vanquished, or otherwise slain and killed; for another man has conquered him. Then a man shall rectify indeed as is lawful and customary in the land. And thereby they have battled one another.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Das ist was recht wer ob der kempfer ainer uss dem ring fluch oder getriben wurd</strong>
Item wolcher kempfer uss dem ring kumpt Ee denn der kampf ain ende haut Er werde daruß geschlagen von dem andern oder fluche daruß oder wie er daruß käme oder aber ob er der sache vergicht darum man in denn mit recht an gesprochen haut, den sol man sigeloß urttailen. Oder wolcher den andern erschlecht und ertötett der haut gesiget. Dem sol man aber richten alß des landes gewonhait und recht ist darumb sie dem mit ainander gekemppffet hand.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Now mark this bond that you need to understand:</strong>
<br/>Thus firstly you should know well the master who will teach you; that his art be right and protective; and that he be pious / sober; and that he not embezzle you; and that he not shorten / beguile the lore; and that he wits to broaden the arsenal wherewith he will battle. However – should that master not accept that, swearing upon his profits ingratiatingly and his prejudices devotedly and thus shall his ilk become masters because of him – then swear neither to further nor to teach his so-called art.
| '''[10r] <span style="color:#A40000;">Nun merck uff dissen punten der ist notturfftlich zu uerstend</span>'''
Item des ersten so soltu den maister wol erkennen der dich lerren wil dz sin kunst recht und gewer sy und dz er frum sy und dich nit veruntruwe und dich nit verkürtz in der lerr und wiß die gwer zü zerbraitten da mit er kempfen wil. Och sol er den maister nit uff nemen er schwer im dann sin frumen zwerbent und sin schaden zwendent deß glich sol er dem maister wider um sweren sin kunst nit witter zleren.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Here heed the master: </strong>
Thus the master, who has a student to teach, he shall wit that he recognise well the man whom he will teach; whether he be weak or strong and if he be coxcombraging or gentle-minded; whether he has good breathing / endurance or not; and whether he may work heartily. So when you the master have well-recognised him as into the lore and what work he is able to do, thereafter you must teach the student such that it avails him against his foes. Yet the combatant and the master shall guard that they let no man see them nor also the arsenal with which they work. And they both shall guard their doings from much of society; and say little of the fighting, so that no notice is made thereof.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Hie merck uff den maister</strong>
Item der maister der ain understat zu leren, der sol wißen daß er den man wol erken, den er lerren wil, ob er sie schwach oder starck, und ob er gäch zornig sy oder senftmüttig, och ob er gütten auttem hab oder nit, och ob er arbaitten müg in die in die ?harr; und wenn du inn wol erkunet haust in der lerr, un wz arbait er uermag dar nach müstu in lerren dz im nütz ist gen sinen vind. Och sol der kempffer und der maister sich hütten dz sie niemand zu sehen laussend und in sunder sie gwer da mit sy arbaittent und sich baid hütten vor vil geselschafft und von dem vechten wenig sagen dz kain abmercken da von kom.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">About patronage: </strong>
How the combatant and the master want to relate: Remit the fee and reciprocate. What be his nature? If he be strong or weak, if yet he be coxcomb-raging or not; and how his top heats up if someone would quarrel or fight. It is also needful to wit by the master who teaches him: That the man strives to set himself aright.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">von kuntschafft</strong>
wie der kempffer und der maister kuntschafft möchte hon zu rem widertail, wz sin wesen wer, ob er sy strarck oder swach, ob er och sy gechzornig oder nit, und wie sin touff nam hieß, ob man wölt dar uß bracticiern oder rechnen. Ws ist och nottürfftig zu wissen wz maister in lerr dz man sich darnach müg richten
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">When now the combatant is taught and shall go within the barriers: </strong>
So firstly, when he shall fight, accordingly shall he hear a priest say mass, in honour of Our Lady Mary and of Saint George patron of knights, and the priest shall bless him in the name of Saint John of the gospel, with which the combatant agrees. Thereafter the master shall try earnestly to advise the combatant one last time; whereupon the combatant shall stay; and shall fathom nothing, yet focus upon his foe and earnestly look at him.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">wenn er nun gelert ist und in den schrancken sol gon</strong>
<br/>So sol er zu dem ersten bichten, dar nach sol im ain priester ain meß lesen von unßer frowen und von sant jörgen, und der priester sol im segnen sant johanns myne und dem kempfer geben. Dar nach sol der maister in ernstlich versüchen '''[10v]''' und inn under richten dar uff er bliben sol, und sol in uff kein ding haissen acht hon dann uff sin vind, und den ernstlich an schowen.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Mark the presentation</strong> when one thus comes within the barriers:
So shall he make one cross with the right foot and one cross with the right hand at his breast and shall sign in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Ghost. The grit-wardens bearing staves or spears take the men in and present them and they turn round in the Sun. So then shall each combatant bid well the witnessing princes and lords; and they stand around the circle, as each bids God would help him and would give him victory over his foe, as He has truth and right.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Merck uff dz infüeren</strong>
Item wenn der man kompt in den schrancken so sol er machen mit dem rechten fuß ain krütz und mit der hand aines an an die brust und sol fürsich gon im namen des vatters und sunes und des hailigen gaistes. Dann sind in die grießwartten nemen und sind inn fürren gegen der sunnen umbhe. So sol dann der kempfer die fürsten und herren bitten und die umb den kraiß stand dz sy im wölle helffen got bitten dz er im sig wölle geben gegen sinem vind und alz er war und recht hab.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Thereafter shall one sit down in the chair: </strong>
When he is now seated, so shall someone overspan him with a tent, and his bier is behind him at the barriers, and his arsenal is well-arrayed and is lawful and ready for his needs / as required by court.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Dar nach sol man in setzen in den sessel</strong>
Wenn er nun gesessen ist so soll man im fürspannen ain tüch und sin bar hinder im an den schrancken und sine gwer sind wol gehenckt sin und gericht nach nottürfft
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">The grit-wardens or armigers: </strong>
The master and grit-wardens should heed the judge, or whomever else then as agreed previously. Dueling is started at the first call – so shall he the judge call the combatants to stand up and draw up from the tents; and when he has called for the third time, calling them by name, then he goes thence and commends them unto God.
| <strong style="color:#A40000;">Die grieß wartten oder täpffer</strong>
Der maister und die grieß wartten söllend mercken uff den richter oder uff den, der den kampff an lauffen wirt. Wann der rüfft zu dem ersten mal, so sol er den man haisen uff ston un dz tüch von im ziehen, und wann man rüfft zü dem dritten mäl so sol er in haissen hin gon und in got enpfelhen.
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 11r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_011r.jpg]]
| <span style="color:#A40000;">He “inscribes” a message within a knotted twine
:He records the words of the mouth upon paper and those shall become black later.</span>
| '''[11r]''' <span style="color:#A40000;">der schribt an ain knü faden
:der schribt uf dem mund und wirt schwartz</span>
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 11v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_011v.jpg]]
| class="noline" |
| class="noline" | '''[11v]''' [No text]
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Grappling
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 49r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_049r.jpg]]
| Thus rushing-wrestling the outer arms.
| '''[49r]''' Item zulouffend ringen uß den armen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 49v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_049v.jpg]]
| Thus arm-breaking and throwing over the shank.
| '''[49v]''' Item daz arm brechen und uber den schenckel werffen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 50r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_050r.jpg]]
| Thus bear-clinching.
| '''[50r]''' Item das burn vassen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 50v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_050v.jpg]]
| Thus tugging out of that and throwing foreward upon the elbows.
| '''[50v]''' Item daz uß zucken und werffen vor der elenbogen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 51r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_051r.jpg]]
| Thus going through.
| '''[51r]''' Item das durchgan
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 51v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_051v.jpg]]
| Thus the counter for that going-through.
| '''[51v]''' Item der bruch uber daz durchgan
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 52r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_052r.jpg]]
| Thus seizing by wambeson.
| '''[52r]''' Item daz vassen im wammeß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 52v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_052v.jpg]]
| The counter for that seizing of the wambeson.
| '''[52v]''' Der bruch über daz vassen im wammeß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 53r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_053r.jpg]]
| The play over arm and foot.
| '''[53r]''' Daz stuck uber den arm und inn fuoß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 53v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_053v.jpg]]
| Throwing over the hip.
| '''[53v]''' Daz werffen uber die huffte
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 54r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_054r.jpg]]
| The arm-break.
| '''[54r]''' Der armbruch
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 54v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_054v.jpg]]
| The hinter-treading.
| '''[54v]''' Das hinder tretten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 55r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_055r.jpg]]
| The arm-break over the shoulder.
| '''[55r]''' Der armbruch uber die achsel
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 55v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_055v.jpg]]
| Yet another hinter-treading.
| '''[55v]''' Duch ain hinder tretten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 56r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_056r.jpg]]
| The shoulder-breaking.
| '''[56r]''' Dea achsel brechen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 56v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_056v.jpg]]
| The throat-strangling.
| '''[56v]''' Daß halß würgen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 57r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_057r.jpg]]
| Trying to go through or to hinter-tread.
| '''[57r]''' Daz versuchen durchgan oder hinder tretten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 57v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_057v.jpg]]
| The boys-wrestling / knaves-wrestling overhead.
| '''[57v]''' Der buobnwurff überß houpt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 58r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_058r.jpg]]
| Attack and counter. / Play and break.
| '''[58r]''' Stuck und bruch
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 58v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_058v.jpg]]
| The neck-clinching.
| '''[58v]''' Daz genick vassen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 59r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_059r.jpg]]
| The inverted throw.
| '''[59r]''' Der verkertt wurff (similar)
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 59v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_059v.jpg]]
| Getting away from foe.
| '''[59v]''' vom man zu komen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 60r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_060r.jpg]]
| The locking-clinch.
| '''[60r]''' Daz beslossen vassen
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 60v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_060v.jpg]]
| class="noline" | The counter for heaving behind oneself.
| class="noline" | '''[60v]''' hinder sich der bruch für daz heben
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Dagger
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>{{rating|C}}<br/>Open</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 61r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_061r.jpg]]
| For foe’s over-stab ''with the dagger when you are unarmed – catch his arm'' with your left arm…
| For the upper stab, with the left arm.
| '''[61r]''' Für den obern stich Mit dem linggen arme
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 61v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_061v.jpg]]
| And then ''grabbing it with both hands you twist it to'' arm-break.
| The arm-break.
| '''[61v]''' Der arm bruch (similar)
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 62r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_062r.jpg]]
| Inverted throwing ''versus over-stab.''
| The inverted throwing.
| '''[62r]''' Daz verkertt werffen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 62v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_062v.jpg]]
| Throwing the foe who over-stabs with his dagger.
| To throw the opponent with the dagger.
| '''[62v]''' Den man zu werffen mit dem tegen (similar)
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 63r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_063r.jpg]]
| Ward the under-stab and then arm-break.
| Resist the lower stab and break the arm.
| '''[63r]''' Den undern stich weren und den arm brechen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 63v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_063v.jpg]]
| Throwing the foe ''who over-stabs.''
| To throw the opponent forward.
| '''[63v]''' Den man für zu werffen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 64r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_064r.jpg]]
| Taking, with one’s own dagger, the dagger of someone who over-stabs.
| One taking the dagger with his dagger.
| '''[64r]''' Den tegen ainem Nymen mit sim tegen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 64v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_064v.jpg]]
| The over-shield.
| The upper shield.
| '''[64v]''' Der ober schilt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 65r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_065r.jpg]]
| The throw over the hip ''countering the over-stab.''
| The throw over the hip.
| '''[65r]''' Der wurff uber die hufft
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 65v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_065v.jpg]]
| Throwing, with dominance, the foe who overstabs.
| Throwing the opponent with force.
| '''[65v]''' Den man werffen mit gewalte
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 66r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_066r.jpg]]
| Throw ''foe'' down ''as you'' lunge ''your dagger'' through and pull ''it'' toward yourself ''to counter his over-stab.''
| Throwing before and shooting through, pull toward yourself
| '''[66r]''' Für werffen und durch schiessen zuck an dich
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 66v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_066v.jpg]]
| The catching, thus the scissors –for countering over-stab…
| The catching.
| '''[66v]''' Das fahen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 67r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_067r.jpg]]
| And the counter thereover.
| The counter against it.
| '''[67r]''' Der bruch darüber
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 67v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_067v.jpg]]
| The throw over the back to counter the counter to the over-stab.
| The throw over the back.
| '''[67v]''' Der wurff ubern ruggen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 68r.jpg|400x400px|center]]
| The ''over''-counter and death-stab.
| The counter and death-stab.
| '''[68r]''' Der bruch und dot stich
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 68v.jpg|400x400px|center]]
| The under-counter and heart-stab.
| The lower counter and heart-stab.
| '''[68v]''' Der under bruch und hertz stich
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 69r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_069r.jpg]]
| The weaving-stab and the counter for that.
| The woven-stab and counter for it.
| '''[69r]''' Der wabet stich und bruch dar für
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 69v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_069v.jpg]]
| The play is achieved that counters over-stab.
| Technique is completed.
| '''[69v]''' Stuck ist volbracht
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 70r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_070r.jpg]]
| The under-shield ''that counters under-stab.''
| The lower shield.
| '''[70r]''' Der under schilt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 70v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_070v.jpg]]
| The morte-stab / murder-stab ''achieved by catching, locking and striking.''
| The murder-stab.
| '''[70v]''' Der mortt stich
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 71r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_071r.jpg]]
| class="noline" | The ending play – ''throw and stab the overstabbing foe in his belly.''
| class="noline" | The finishing technique.
| class="noline" | '''[71r]''' Das end stuck
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Poleaxe
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 71v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_071v.jpg]]
| Forsetting the strike and stop-thrusting ''to the'' heart.
| '''[71v]''' Den slag versetzen und hertz abstossen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 72r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_072r.jpg]]
| Forsetting foe’s thrust and thrusting to the foe.
| '''[72r]''' Den stich versetzen und in er stechen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 72v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_072v.jpg]]
| The break and throw.
| '''[72v]''' Den bruch und wurff
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 73r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_073r.jpg]]
| The neck-wrenching.
| '''[73r]''' Daz hallß ryssen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 73v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_073v.jpg]]
| The needed stance countering the strike.
| '''[73v]''' Der nott stand fur den slag
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 74r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_074r.jpg]]
| The play achieved.
| '''[74r]''' Stuck verbracht
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 74v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_074v.jpg]]
| class="noline" | Catching the armament.
| class="noline" | '''[74v]''' Daz gwer sachen
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Mixed Weapons
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 75r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_075r.jpg]]
| With the sword one counters the strike with the spear.
| '''[75r]''' Mit dem schwert fur den Slag mit dem spieß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 75v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_075v.jpg]]
| The woven thrust.
| '''[75v]''' Der gewäbet Stich
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 76r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_076r.jpg]]
| The over-hew countering the thrust.
| '''[76r]''' Der oberhow fur den stich
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 76v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_076v.jpg]]
| The ending play with the longsword countering the halberd.
| '''[76v]''' Daz end stuck mit dem schwert für die hellen barten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 77r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_077r.jpg]]
| Oone blinds the other at the head and thereby he throws into the body.
| '''[77r]''' Daz blenden ab dem huopt Darby der wurff [in leib]
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 77v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_077v.jpg]]
| The ending play with the ''bastard-sword'' countering the halberd.
| '''[77v]''' Daz endstuck mit dem messer für die hellen bartten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 78r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_078r.jpg]]
| The forsetting of the spear.
| '''[78r]''' Daz versetzen gen dem spiess
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 78v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_078v.jpg]]
| The short-spear counters a long-spear with its shaft.
| '''[78v]''' Ain billgerin für ain langen spieß mit sinem stab
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 79r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_079r.jpg]]
| The needed stance with the messer.
| '''[79r]''' Der nott stand im messer
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 79v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_079v.jpg]]
| class="noline" | …And the play whereby the hand is lost.
| class="noline" | '''[79v]''' Daz stuck [da die Hand verlohren.]
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Duel between a man and a woman
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 80r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_080r.jpg]]
| Here he strikes at her foot and she hits his head.
| '''[80r]''' Hie schlecht er nach dem fuoß [und sy trifft dz houpt.]
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 80v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_080v.jpg]]
| Here he has negated her strike and caught ''it around'' his arm.
| '''[80v]''' Hie hat er den schlag ir entwert und dem arm gefangen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 81r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_081r.jpg]]
| The grip at the throat.
| '''[81r]''' Der griff nach dem halß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 81v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_081v.jpg]]
| Here she nods / neutralises the man / husband.
| '''[81v]''' hie nickt siu den man
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 82r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_082r.jpg]]
| The neck-breaking.
| '''[82r]''' Daz halß brechen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 82v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_082v.jpg]]
| Here he makes an ending play.
| '''[82v]''' Hie macht er ain end stuck
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 83r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_083r.jpg]]
| Here she would hammer him / deafen him, and ''here'' he be felling her.
| '''[83r]''' Hie wil sy in töben und er siu sy vellen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 83v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_083v.jpg]]
| Here the woman / wife drives an ending play.
| '''[83v]''' Hie tribt daz wib ain endsstuck
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 84r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_084r.jpg]]
| class="noline" | Here ''they'' make an end.
| class="noline" | '''[84r]''' Hie macht er end
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Armored fencing
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 84v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_084v.jpg]]
| The commencement of the ''armoured'' duel.
| '''[84v]''' Der anfang des kampfs
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 85r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_085r.jpg]]
| Here both ''knights'' be sitting.
| '''[85r]''' Hie sitzend sy bed
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 85v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_085v.jpg]]
| The stance countering the hurl.
| '''[85v]''' Der stand für den schutz
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 86r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_086r.jpg]]
| Here the first hurl is forset…
| '''[86r]''' Hie ist der schutz versetzt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 86v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_086v.jpg]]
| …And here the second hurl ''is'' forset.
| '''[86v]''' Der ander schutz versetzt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 87r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_087r.jpg]]
| The rushing with longswords after the spear-hurls.
| '''[87r]''' Daz anlouffen nach dem schutz
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 87v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_087v.jpg]]
| The morte-strike/murder-strike is forset.
| '''[87v]''' Der morttschlag ist versetzt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 88r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_088r.jpg]]
| The fire-poker/branding-iron, thus the half-sword.
| '''[88r]''' Daz brendschürn
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 88v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_088v.jpg]]
| The sword-taking from binding at fire-pokers.
| '''[88v]''' Daz schwert nymen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 89r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_089r.jpg]]
| Out of the morte-strike ''into'' the jugular-stab.
| '''[89r]''' uß dem morttschlag den gurgelstoß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 89v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_089v.jpg]]
| The leaning.
| '''[89v]''' Das lemen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 90r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_090r.jpg]]
| The back-throw.
| '''[90r]''' Der ruggen wurff
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 90v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_090v.jpg]]
| The forsetting, ripping and face-punching.
| '''[90v]''' Die versatzung zer ryssen und daz antlut stossen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 91r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_091r.jpg]]
| The neck-strike.
| '''[91r]''' Der hallß Schlag
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 91v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_091v.jpg]]
| An ending play.
| '''[91v]''' ain ander stuck
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 92r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_092r.jpg]]
| Attack and counter.
| '''[92r]''' Stuck und bruch
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 92v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_092v.jpg]]
| ''Locking then'' throwing down out of fire-poker…
| '''[92v]''' Daz under werffen uß den brend schürn
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 93r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_093r.jpg]]
| …Which at last is ended ''by dagger-stab.''
| '''[93r]''' und daz selbig end am letsten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 93v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_093v.jpg]]
| Here he thanks God.
:And here the winner thanks God; as he had great need; and there lies the loser dead…
| '''[93v]''' Hie dancket er got
:[Mair: und hat groß noth]
::Da lyt er tod
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 94r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_094r.jpg]]
| class="noline" | …Whom they carry away to the freedom of the grave that God has for all worthy souls. Amen.
| class="noline" | '''[94r]''' Daz tragent in die fryheit hin weg inß grab / Daz got alle gelöbig selen hab amen
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Mounted fencing
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 94v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_094v.jpg]]
| Advancing to the foe.
| '''[94v]''' Daz anryten zu den vynden
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 95r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_095r.jpg]]
| For forsetting during skirmishing.
| '''[95r]''' Daz versetzen im schärmitzlen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 95v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_095v.jpg]]
| Shooting while fleeing.
| '''[95v]''' Daz schiessen an der flucht
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 96r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_096r.jpg]]
| The crossbow and sword: Countering protectively. / Countering after the shot.
| '''[96r]''' Daz armbrost und swert bruchen nach dem schutz
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 96v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_096v.jpg]]
| The lance counters half and whole.
| '''[96v]''' Daz glen bruchen halb und gantz
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 97r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_097r.jpg]]
| class="noline" | The thrust ''done'' out of the forsetting.
| class="noline" | '''[97r]''' Der stich uß versatzunge
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{{master subsection begin
  | title = Longshield
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 97v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_097v.jpg]]
| The first rush with pavise and sword according to the Swabian tradition.
| '''[97v]''' Der erst anlouff mit schilt und schwert nach schwäpschen Siten
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 98r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_098r.jpg]]
| Seeking there, behind / from behind the pavise.
| '''[98r]''' Dau suchen hinder schilt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 98v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_098v.jpg]]
| The kick and jugular-thrust.
| '''[98v]''' Der drit und gurgel stich
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 99r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_099r.jpg]]
| The hinter-treading and heart-thrust achieved.
| '''[99r]''' Daz hinder treten und hertz stich volbringen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 99v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_099v.jpg]]
| Here is the duel determined by the mace.
| '''[99v]''' Hie ist der kampf uff dem kolben gericht
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 100r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_100r.jpg]]
| The onslaught. / The provocation.
| '''[100r]''' Der anlauß
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 100v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_100v.jpg]]
| The hampering…
| '''[100v]''' Daz zwierhen im Schilt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 101r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_101r.jpg]]
| …And the thwarting inside ''foe’s'' pavise.
| '''[101r]''' und daz ynbinden
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 102v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_102v.jpg]]
| '''[102v]'''
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 103r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_103r.jpg]]
| class="noline" |
| class="noline" | '''[103r]'''
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Talhoffer's owner's mark
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 101v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_101v.jpg]]
| Here Master Hans Talhoffer
''Heralds / Armigers bear the weaponry of Talhoffer, one with banner-wrapped spear and the other with sword & buckler, with his personal heraldry shown in the next leaf:''
| '''[101v]''' Hie Maister Hanns Talhofer
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 102r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_102r.jpg]]
| ''Talhoffer's coat-of-arms:  black shield charged with two steel longswords crossed within gold crown, surmounted by steel jousting-helm crested with the baton of a teacher, surrounded by gold & black mantling and flanked by longsword-bearing haloed & winged lion and banner-bearing haloed eagle offering motto:''
'''Bethink Thee Right'''
| <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>
'''[102r]''' bedenck dich Recht
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 103v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_103v.jpg]]
| class="noline" | <strong style="color:#A40000;">In the year of our Lord 1459:</strong>
<span style="color:#A40000;">Thus this Book is that of Master Hans Talhoffer; and he is self-avowed with his life that someone (Clauss Pflieger) has illustrated this Book according to him; and that it became illustrated during Whitsuntide in that year after the birth of our beloved Lord Christ which is the one-thousand-four-hundred-fifty-ninth year thereafter. Truly, Michel Rotwyler scribed “me” the Book.</span>
| class="noline" | '''[103v] <span style="color:#A40000;">Anno domini 1459</span>'''
<span style="color:#A40000;">Item Daz buoch ist Maister Hannsen Talhoferß und der ist selber gestanden mit sinem lybe biß Daz man daz buoch nach Im gemalet hat und Daz ist gemalet worden uff pfingsten In Dem Jar nach der gepurt Unsers lieben Herrn Christi Tusent vierhundert und darnach in dem Nün und fünfftzugosten Jar schrib mich Michel Rotwyler für waer</span>
{{master subsection end}}
{{master subsection begin
  | title = Equipment for dueling
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 104r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_104r.jpg]]
| This pavise ''is'' "hard" versus the mace.
| '''[104r]''' Der schlilt hert zuo Dem Kolben -
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 104v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_104v.jpg]]
| Versus the mace.
| '''[104v]''' zuom kolben
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 105r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_105r.jpg]]
| Versus the sword.
| '''[105r]''' zuo dem schwert
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 105v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_105v.jpg]]
| Versus the sword.
| '''[105v]''' zuom schwert
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 106r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_106r.jpg]]
| Versus the sword.
| '''[106r]''' zuom schwert
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 106v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_106v.jpg]]
| Learn ''to wield'' maces.
| '''[106v]''' lern kolben
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 107r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_107r.jpg]]
| The garments for the pavise and for dueling ''that'' Talhoffer ''advises'' to put on.
| '''[107r]''' daz gwand zuo dem schilt und zuo dem Kampf. + talhofferß an tuon
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 107v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_107v.jpg]]
| ''Varieties of specialised dueling longswords / bastard-swords:'' For the harness
:Yet also ''for any'' armoured dueling
::And versus pavises.
| '''[107v]''' zu dem harnasch
:och gewapnet
::zum langen schilt
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 108r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_108r.jpg]]
| ''Some more varieties of specialised dueling longswords / bastard-swords:'' Versus pavises
:Twain “sword-horns” for armoured dueling
| '''[108r]''' zuo dem schilt
:die zwen ?swerthörne zu dem kampf gewapnet
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 108v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_108v.jpg]]
| The three daggers for dueling – dagger ''in sheath replete with throwing-blades and a spike.''
| '''[108v]''' die dri degen zu dem kampff
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 109r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_109r.jpg]]
| These weapons break armament & armour, truly as one wills: ''A double-gaff, a spear and a corseque.''
| '''[109r]''' Die gwer bruch war zuo man wil
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 109v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_109v.jpg]]
| These pollaxes / luzern-hammers / ravens-beaks are for dueling.
| '''[109v]''' Die agsten zu dem kampff
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 110r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_110r.jpg]]
| class="noline" | This is a ''modularly and optionally assembled'' pollaxe for the duel, ''with which'' one lays ''low his foe'' by stabbing ''thus it serves also like spear and/or gaff…'' This axe ''is assembled and ready'' for dueling.
| class="noline" | '''[110r]''' dis ist ain agst zu dem kampff legt man zu stichen
:die agst zu dem kampff
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  | title = Sword and buckler
  | width = 90em
{| class="master"
! <p>Images</p>
! <p>{{rating|B}}<br/>by [[Jeffrey Hull]]</p>
! <p>Transcription{{edit index|Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º)}}<br/>by [[Dieter Bachmann]]</p>
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 117v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_117v.jpg]]
| '''[117v]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 118r.jpg|400x400px|center|Folio 118r]]
| '''[118r]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 118v.jpg|400x400px|center|Folio 118v]]
| '''[118v]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 119r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_119r.jpg|Folio 119r]]
| The right and needed stance against two foes.
| '''[119r]''' der recht not stand gen zwainen
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 119v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_119v.jpg|Folio 119v]]
| '''[119v]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 120r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_120r.jpg|Folio 120r]]
| '''[120r]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 120v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_120v.jpg|Folio 120v]]
| '''[120v]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 121r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_121r.jpg|Folio 121r]]
| '''[121r]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 121v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_121v.jpg|Folio 121v]]
| '''[121v]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 122r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_122r.jpg|Folio 122r]]
| '''[122r]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 122v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_122v.jpg|Folio 122v]]
| '''[122v]'''
| [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 123r.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_123r.jpg|Folio 123r]]
| '''[123r]'''
| class="noline" | [[File:MS Thott.290.2º 123v.jpg|400x400px|center|link=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ms.Thott.290.2º_123v.jpg|Folio 123v]]
| class="noline" |
| class="noline" | '''[123v]'''
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Revision as of 03:51, 1 July 2020

Hans Talhoffer
Born ca. 1410-15
Died after 1482
Movement Marxbrüder (?)
Language Early New High German
Concordance by Michael Chidester
Signature Hans Talhoffer Sig.jpg
Talhoffer's heraldry, including the Lion of St. Mark

Hans Talhoffer (Dalhover, Talhouer, Thalhoffer, Talhofer) was a 15th century German fencing master. His martial lineage is unknown, but his writings make it clear that he had some connection to the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer, the grand master of the German school of fencing. Talhoffer was a well educated man, who took interest in astrology, mathematics, onomastics, and the auctoritas and the ratio. He authored at least five fencing manuals during the course of his career, and appears to have made his living teaching, including training people for trial by combat.

The first historical reference to Talhoffer is in 1433, when he represented Johann II von Reisberg, archbishop of Salzburg, before the Vehmic court. Shortly thereafter in 1434, Talhoffer was arrested and questioned by order of Wilhelm von Villach (a footman to Albrecht III von Wittelsbach, duke of Bavaria) in connection to the trial of a Nuremberg aristocrat named Jacob Auer, accused of murdering of his brother Hans. Talhoffer subsequently confessed to being hired to abduct Hans von Villach, and offered testimony that others hired by Auer performed the murder.[1] Auer's trial was quite controversial and proved a major source of contention and regional strife for the subsequent two years. Talhoffer himself remained in the service of the archbishop for at least a few more years, and in 1437 is mentioned as serving as a bursary officer (Kastner) in Hohenburg.[2]

The 1440s saw the launch of Talhoffer's career as a professional fencing master. His first manuscript, the MS Chart.A.558, was an anthology that he contributed to in ca. 1448. The fencing portion is largely text-less and it may have been designed as a visual aid for use in teaching; in addition to these illustrations, the manuscript also contains a treatise on name magic and a warbook that might be related to Konrad Kyeser's Bellifortis. While Talhoffer's owner's mark appears on the front leaf of this manuscript, his level of involvement with its creation is unclear. It contains many works by other authors, in addition to plays that are fairly similar to his later works, and shows evidence of multiple scribes and multiple artists. It is possible that he purchased the manuscript after it was partially filled and added his own teachings to it later.

Most notable among the noble clients that Talhoffer served in this period was the Königsegg family of southern Germany, and some time between 1446 and 1459[3] he produced the MS XIX.17-3 for this family. This work depicts a judicial duel being fought by Luithold von Königsegg and the training that Talhoffer gave him in preparation, but it seems that this duel never actually took place.[4] He seems to have passed through Emerkingen later in the 1450s, where he was contracted to train the brothers David and Buppellin vom Stain; he also produced the MS 78.A.15 for them, a significantly expanded version of the Königsegg manuscript.[5]

In 1459,[6] Talhoffer commissioned the MS Thott.290.2º, a new personal fencing manual along the same lines as the 1448 work but expanded with additional content and captioned throughout. He appears to have continued instructing throughout the 1460s, and in 1467 he produced his final manuscript, Codex Icon 394a, for another of his noble clients, Eberhardt I von Württemberg.[7] This would be his most extensive work, and the graf paid 10 Guilder as well as quantities of rye and oats for the finished work.[8]

While only a few facts are known about Talhoffer's life, this has not stopped authors from conjecture. The presence of the Lion of St. Mark in Talhoffer's 1459 coat of arms (right) has given rise to speculation that he may have been an early or even founding member of the Frankfurt-am-Main-based Marxbrüder fencing guild, though there is no record of their existence prior to 1474.[citation needed] Additionally, much has been made of the fact that Talhoffer's name doesn't appear in Paulus Kal's list of members of the Fellowship of Liechtenauer.[9] While some have speculated that this indicates rivalry or ill-will between the two contemporaries, it is more likely that Talhoffer simply didn't participate in whatever venture the fellowship was organized for.

Various otherwise-unidentified fencing masters named Hans have also been associated by some authors with Talhoffer. The 1454 records of the city of Zürich note that a master (presumed by some authors to be Hans Talhoffer) was chartered to teach fencing in some capacity and to adjudicate judicial duels; the account further notes that a fight broke out among his students and had to be settled in front of the city council, resulting in various fines.[10] In 1455, a Master named Hans was also retained by Mahiot Coquel to train him for his duel with Jacotin Plouvier in Valencienne; if this were Talhoffer, his training did little good as Coquel lost the duel and died in brutal fashion.[citation needed]


Talhoffer's writings exist in well over a dozen manuscripts created in the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries; they have also been published a number of times in facsimiles beginning in 1887, including translations into English and French. His writings cover a wide assortment of weapons, including the arming sword, buckler, crossbow, dagger, flail, longknife, longshield, longsword, mace, poleaxe, spear, and unarmed grappling, often both armored and unarmored, on horse and on foot, and in scenarios including tournaments, formal duels, and unequal encounters implying urban self-defense.

Despite the obvious care and detail that went into the artwork, the manuscripts generally have only a few words captioning each page (and in many cases none at all); some were likely teaching aids and would need no detailed explanation, while the treatises for Königsegg, Stain, and Württemberg were probably intended as memory aids to review his teachings after he left.

Additional Resources


  1. Jens P. Kleinau. "1434 March 20th – Talhoffer’s confession in Salzburg". Hans Talhoffer ~ A Historical Martial Arts blog by Jens P. Kleinau, 18 May 2016. Retrieved 18 May 2016.
  2. Jens P. Kleinau. "Hans Talhoffer’s life". Hans Talhoffer ~ as seen by Jens P. Kleinau. Retrieved 17 March 2012.
  3. Hans-Peter Hils. Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes. Peter Lang, 1985. p73.
  4. Jens P. Kleinau. "Who was Luithold of Königsegg?". Hans Talhoffer ~ as seen by Jens P. Kleinau. Retrieved 17 March 2012.
  5. Hans-Peter Hils. Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes. Peter Lang, 1985. p42.
  6. Internally dated on folio 103v.
  7. Internally dated and dedicated on folio 16v.
  8. Jens P. Kleinau. "1467 The price of a fencing master". Hans Talhoffer ~ as seen by Jens P. Kleinau. Retrieved 17 March 2012.
  9. The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of Paulus Kal's treatise: MS 1825 (1460s), Cgm 1570 (ca. 1470), and MS KK5126 (1480s).
  10. Hans-Peter Hils. Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes. Peter Lang, 1985. p176.