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the thirde haunge in personall combat vanquished and slaine a kinge
of Hungarie, tooke from him the badge or emprease he ware in his
Creste wch was the heade of an Elephante holdinge a horse shoe in
his mowthe, which badge he gaue all his liffe in signe of that vic:
torie, and afterr his deathe kinge Lanzalao his sonne gave the
same in memorie of his ffathers glorie. It hath likewise even till
this daye bene vsed, that all ensignes badges & standards wonne
in particular fighte are by the winner of them kepte duringe his
liffe, and after deliuered to his posteritie. ffor wch reason a cheif
Herehaulte was asked whether one kinge havinge vanquished an
other in Combat might take from him his Crowne? who answered
that he might not only take from him his Crowne, but also all
other spoiles of deuice or honnor, as banners, armes, & everie other
badge worne for glorie, like vnto the Romaine Princes who
havinge wonne any victorie of their ennemies, brought the ensignes
or standards to Rome in token of their victorie. In like manner
retorninge to the purpose, I saye that whosoeuer is victorious
maie in signe of victorie, & for his euerlastinge fame, take from
the vanquished all armes ensignes & horses belonging vnto him
though by custome the Iudge & his ministers have before time had

Whether A man accused entringe into com:
batt with his accusor & not beinge Van:
quished oughte to be acquitt.

Ca. 15.

A certeine knight offringe to prove by his
sworde that wherwth he had chardged an other came to com:
bat wth him for life & deathe. But the gent accused did
defende him selfe so well, that the accusor coulde not vanquish
him. And therfore the daye of combat beinge ended, desired
the Iudge to have an honnorable sentence pronounced in his
favour, & be absolued of the infamie put vppon him by thaccusor
praienge he might be punished accordinge to the qualitie of