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his Superior, and that that kinge was a subiecte to the
Empire, and therfore he his superior and ought not to
accept his Challendge. Notwthstandinge it came in question
whether the Emperor might thus lawfullie doe wherto it
might be alleadged that he might because the Emperor is
lorde of the world, and hath gouermnent aboue kings and
Princes. The kinge of Hungarie is subiecte to the
Emperor and the Emperor hath doble iurisdiction. he is
also kinge of Romaines, Emperor, and as it weare God
on earthe. Therfore ought he not to fight wth anye of lesse
estate. On the contrarie side because the dignitie of Em:
perors dooth not descende to the Children by inheritaunce as dooth
the kingedome therfore the kingedome is most worthie. But
this is to be vndrstoode of such a kinge as is not subiecte to the
Empire, and the Emperor pretendeth no gouernment to his
Patrimonie of somme other righte, for in that case he shall
fight as a kinge and not an Emperor. Also kings are of
greater continuaunce then Emperors, as it appeareth by Ro:
mulo, and Numa Pompilio, after Julio Cesare the Emperor
succeded the kings. The holie scripture dooth commaund
vs to be obedient to kings that be monarks in their kingdoms
and therfore in cause of honnor they maye fight wth Emperors
But in case of iniurie, of office Emperiall of faithe or
ecclesiasticall lands where the Emperor is Superior
they maye not come to combatt wth themperor.

Whether betwixt two kinges con:
tendinge for one kingdome there be
place of combatt.

Ca. 4.