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of Albania and they that coulde winne sholde commaund the na:
tion overcome. And it happened that the Romaines were vic:
torious, and the Albanians became subiecte to the Empire of
Rome, as it appeareth by a certeine auntient historie, in thende
of wch worke by this Example it may be saide that betwext
two Emperors 1 combatt shalbe admitted, and the rather because
at the firste the Empire was gotten by force of armes as Salustio
writeth. And the Emperors by armes have conquered the
worlde. Also the Iustice of kingedomes consisteth in armes
and a more lawfull thinge it is to obteine the Empire by armes
then by election, wch may be practized for money or freindshipps
so percase an vnworthie Emperor be chosen. But beinge pro:
voked and become victorious by armes he ought much the more
to be receaued for his magnanimitie wch semeth also to be
furthered by the devine iustice, the force wherof appeareth
cheiflie in combatt as before I saide. The Psalme saith, that
God hathe geuen the earth to the sonnes of man, and them
that can obteine it. Also God saide, the lande thowe treadest
wth thy foote shalbe thine, the Empire commeth from God and
fortune as in the next Chapiter shalbe declared. Baldo saith
it is not good that the worlde sholde be allwaies in Care and
tribulation, the fortune of battle is foreseene by God as the
lawe Ciuile affirmeth, and who so is overcome seemeth to
have renounced the Empire, and therfore to remaine to him
that gaineth the battle. This good also ariseth of combatt
that who so of them that is vnlawfulie chosen shalbe puni:
shed as vnlawfull. Yet in this case the Common lawe forbid:
deth the Combatt, and refirreth the matter to the Pope
or the electors. And because the weale of the Empire de:
pendeth vppon the Emperors life he ought not to fighte
personallie, wch reason seeth true, and confirmed in the booke
de bello Judaico and Quintiliano. Also Onessandro saith
an Emperor ought wth his wisedome and Councell fight
for the Empire and not by person. The Empire commeth
from God from whome pceedeth all powre and therfore
may not be hazarded vppon fortune but the pleasure of
God. Therfore receaving it from God, it ought not to
be aduentured.