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the Ennemie comminge againste them, thorough the reverberation
of the sonne was so dazed of sighte, that easelie the victorie was
obteyned Hannibal also thoroughe the oportunitie and disposition
of the place obteyned one other victorie. ffor as the Philosopher
writethe, fortune in battell hathe great powre, where pollicie
discretion and magnanimitie be mett. And the place accusto:
medlye sholde be framed (yf it maye) in likenes to resemble a
Laberinthe, defended wth the barrs and rayles of woode, and
shall properly be called a lyste, ffor cause of necessitie the
same maye be made wth cordes or plowed aboute wth thre
forrowes of earthe. In the firste of wch ought the officers
of armes to stande wth the other ministers appointed for
the combat, in the seconde shall the gentlemen appointed to
fighte who shall not in anye wise departe owt wthout
leave of the Iudge, till such time as the combat be fullie
ended, that is to saye one of the two overcome or vanqui:
shed vppon paine to lose the daye, and the victorie to be
his that still wthout fleinge kepeth his place. There
shalbe also vppon this place one stage or scaffolde wheron
shall site the Iudge wth his councellors meete to se and
consider the mocions of them that fighte. Also great
silence shalbe kepte amonge the lookers on, that neither
their feete, handes, coffinge, or weasinge doe make anye
noyse or signe in the favour of disfavour of the fighters
to thende that he that is vanquished cannot alledge
his overthrowe to be rather cawste of the lookers on, then
his ennemies armes. As it happened betwext a gent
of Florence and a Neapolitane of whome we spake be:
fore, declaringe that thoroughe a token given from the
Brother of the Neapolitane standing by he overcame
the said Florentine.

Where commaundement if geuen by ye Iudge
that none of ye fighters shal goe out of ye limitts
prescribed, yf one of them by force of th’ennemy
do it, whether he deserueth punishment.