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victorie or mysfortune consiste in the howres to have iustice or the contrarye, though from God proceedeth the seconde causes, and therby do channge the influence of the plannets to the good or evell of them that fighte. But yf the allmightie powre of God dooth not deale herein: Then victorie consisteth only in constellacion and their motions, wch are to be vnderstoode, because the mindes of men doe alter wth decrease and increase of force, at the howres predestined. And theruppon Onessandro in his booke of the good Emperor saithe, In battells it is necessarie to have astronomers to knowe the good howres and minuts disposed to good or evell, so the execution maye be performed in time, for wch cause victorie in battell is doubtfull thorough the channge of fortune, and sometimes thorough the vnluckines of one of the fighters, and sometimes thorough a guiltie conscience wherby courage abateth and strength diminisheth, yea sometime thoroughe force or weaknes, and moste of all thoroughe suspicioun to be overcome, as the proverb saithe, Suspicion loseth the game, and somme thorough coniecture, because before time his ennemie hath had the aduanntage, sometimes thoroughe dysdaine or to muche assurannce, and so thorough recklessnes become victored, otherwhiles thorough to muche pride and sometimes by esteminge a companion to much, the daye is loste. Somme are more disposed for battell then others, some are borne vnder Mars, and somme vnder Jupiter. All theas reasons are to be oberued, because they helpe or hinder victorie. But when fortune courage or the disposition of the heavens are all equall, doutles he remaineth victorious, that wth moste iustice entreth battell, for God disposeth him to receave victorie though in manie places of the scripture, we finde yt dyvers knights vnder the annsignes of Iustice, have loste the battell, yet all victorie proceedeth from God as in the next chapter yowe shall perceave.