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theye attempt the almightie God. ffor this cause the Sober and worthie knightes were wonte to saye, that they allwaies fought for yr manifestinge and defendinge their honnors and right beinge doutfull. And when their righte be known, theye maye boldly saye that wch before wth the sworde trulye they proued, and the wordes of their aduersarie to be vtterlye falce. Thus takinge in hande a iuste enterprize, the same shall not occasion the losse of victorie. And in this sorte ought all challengs and defences to be founded vppon iustice To conclude I saye, that suche as come to combat, ought accordinge to their beleifs, praye to haue iustice for their defence, beinge moved therto wthout malice: So shall they finde God and the heavens to favour their armes, sithe for iusitce they haue taken them in hande. And suche as shall vniustlye make this attempte, shalbe as pernicious slannderous, and gentlemen of vile condicion condemned.

Howe in Particular Combat the Deuine Iustice is moste fauorable to him that fighteth for right

Ca. 9.

When so ever betwext Noble men of gentlemen battell be moved for conseruation of honnor restinge to the Iudgment of armes, it ought by the saide iudgement be determined man to man, wherin is oftentimes seene the deuine sentence. The auntient vse of chevalrye and the Lawe of Lombardie commanndeth that a man ought firmlye beleue, that God is the helper and furtherer of battell and iustice. And euer or for the moste parte, experience showth that God helpeth the truth But because reason and right is not ever apparannt therfore